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What is MongoDB Atlas Search?

Atlas Search is an embedded full-text search in MongoDB Atlas that gives you a seamless, scalable experience for building relevance-based app features. Built on Apache Lucene, Atlas Search eliminates the need to run a separate search system alongside your database.

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What You Can Do

Easily build search on top of your data with an integrated, fully managed search engine that automatically syncs to your database.


Create index definitions for your data using editors in the Atlas UI, with a single Atlas Admin API call, or using the Atlas CLI.

To learn more, see Atlas Search Index Definition


Refer to our guidelines on scaling and monitoring Atlas Search workloads.

To learn more, see Improve Atlas Search Performance.

MongoDB Atlas Search get started image

Index field values to run queries that use autocomplete, text, range, and other Atlas Search operators and collectors.

To learn more, see Data Types.


Define how Atlas Search creates search terms using built-in analyzers or create your own.

To learn more, see Atlas Search Analyzers.


Configure synonyms to index and search collections for words that have the same or similar meanings.

To learn more, see Define Synonym Mappings in Your Atlas Search Index.

MongoDB Atlas Search create index UI video

Combine two or more operators and multiple clauses in a single search query using the compound operator.

To learn more, see How to Run Atlas Search Compound Queries with Weighted Fields.


Modify the ranking of Atlas Search results to boost certain documents or match relevance requirements.

To learn more, see Score the Documents in the Results.


Use facets to group and count Atlas Search results by multiple categories.

To learn more, see How to Use Facets with Atlas Search.

MongoDB Atlas Search custom scoring video
Related Products & Resources

Follow tutorials on additional features, learn how to return more information with explain, and browse the MongoDB Developer Hub for more real-world examples.

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Create indexes and queries that use features like autocomplete, faceted search, compound clauses, and more.

Follow Tutorials For Common Search Use Cases

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Learn more from the Atlas Search unit in the "Intro to MongoDB" course on MongoDB University.

Watch and Learn from MongoDB University Course

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Explore video tutorials and sample applications that use Atlas Search and other MongoDB products.

Browse Real-World Examples in the MongoDB Developer Center