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Database services built with and certified by MongoDB

Highly reliable, scalable platforms for securely building and deploying cloud-native applications with a Certified by MongoDB DBaaS partner platform.
An illustration of the partner icons, communicating around the Earth.
Illustration of a couple of graphs representing MongoDB's auto-scaling capabilities.
Scalable and certified by MongoDB
Be confident that your MongoDB deployments can provide the performance, security, and reliability that MongoDB is known for. Through the Certified by MongoDB DBaaS program, users can run their business-critical applications with a seamless deployment experience on the partner platform.
An illustration of two hands high-fiving inside of an application window.

MongoDB on your platform of choice

Develop and deploy your applications with MongoDB on your platform of choice, with full confidence in security, performance, and scalability.Explore our Partners

MongoDB on the platform you trust

Take advantage of MongoDB database services on the platform you prefer and trust for your application development and deployment.


Use the latest and greatest features of MongoDB

MongoDB partners can build their Certified by MongoDB DBaaS with up-to-date features from MongoDB, so developers can build modern applications without the added complexity and management overhead of bolt-on solutions.


Built and supported in partnership with MongoDB

Certified by MongoDB DBaaS providers, through their partnership with MongoDB, can offer the level of support you require.

Certified by MongoDB DBaaS Featured Partners

Alibaba Cloud logo

Alibaba Cloud

ApsaraDB for MongoDB offers a complete database solution.

DigitalOcean logo


Run fully managed MongoDB clusters on DigitalOcean.

IBM Cloud logo

IBM Cloud

MongoDB as a service with native IBM Cloud integrations.

IONOS logo


Get started with managed MongoDB in the IONOS Cloud.

OVHcloud logo


For hassle-free MongoDB cloud hosting.

Naver Cloud Platform logo


A service that easily builds and automatically manages MongoDB.

Rackspace logo


Build great applications, without the worry.



A cross-platform, document database management system.

Tencent Cloud logo


A secure and high-performance database with a rich set of features.

Virtuozzo logo


Effortless MongoDB with automated management.

Beijing Volcano Engine Technology logo

Beijing Volcano Engine Technology

Out-of-the-box, flexible and elastic cloud database.

Interested in offering a Certified by MongoDB DBaaS to your customers?

Apply Now
Apply Now

Frequently Asked Questions

Why should cloud provider organizations consider building a Certified by MongoDB DBaaS offering?
Joining the Certified by MongoDB DBaaS program builds trust with customers and assures them of the high quality of partner cloud services that take advantage of MongoDB’s years of innovation for high performance, availability, and security, trusted by millions of developers and tens of thousands of customers to power business-critical applications every day. As part of the program, organizations can collaborate with more than 1,000 partners and be a part of a community that innovates with one another on behalf of their customers.
How can cloud providers offer a Certified by MongoDB DBaaS?
When companies interested in offering Certified by MongoDB DBaaS apply via the Apply Now button on this page, they will be contacted by MongoDB’s Partner team to collaborate on the technical integration, compatibility, training, and support requirements for the partnership and certification.
How much does it cost?
New partners can work with MongoDB to determine the appropriate license agreement terms based on the use of MongoDB technology in their planned DBaaS solution. Participation in the partner program and certification is part of the contracting process and free of charge.