Watch David Wright's adorable daughter Olivia Shea throw out the first pitch to her dad

According to New York City Mayor, Bill de Blasio, Saturday was "David Wright Day." And whether you observed the "holiday" or not, you couldn't help but feel it -- especially if you were one of the lucky fans at the sold-out Citi Field for the Marlins-Mets game.
Wright's career might soon end, but it was time to celebrate as he ran out on to the field solo in front of a standing crowd. Before all eyes were on him, they were on his family -- particularly his young daughter, Olivia Shea, who threw out the ceremonial first pitch. 
Just watch as her dad scoops up the pitch and then picks her up into his arms:

She's a natural, just like her dad.
Quite the celebration with Lil' Wright and the rest of the family to celebrate an amazing career.
