Comic Bill Bailey is looking forward to dancing his Rapper's Delight again in the final – and making it even better.

He said: "That dance particularly was a bit of a moment. It really was. It was this song from my youth that I loved for years and years, but I never danced to it.

"It just felt like this is the absolute the essence of what I wanted to do in the show. So doing that again would be great. We rehearsed it and we're just going to make it even better, even more refined."

Oti laughs that Bill, 55, memorised the message he received from the Sugar Hill Gang's Master Gee.

She explained: "He said, 'Keep on, keeping on. I'd like to thank you, Bill Bailey, for showing some love for our song. Peace and blessings.' I've learned the whole thing. I'll never forget that."

Bill Bailey performing his couple's choice dance

He hopes that his efforts on the dance floor will inspire other men of a certain age to give it a go.

Bill said: "I sincerely hope so. If that is the result, the consequence of me being on the show, then that's wonderful. I think blokes of my age sometimes feel a bit self-conscious, they feel a bit like, 'I'm going to be called the Dad dancer.'

"And I think if me showing that I can get out there and look a little bit more than just somebody shuffling about.”

Oti said that Rob Brydon confessed he would now consider doing the show, having watched Bill's progress.

She said: “He's a big Strictly fan, and he always sees the older gentlemen being a comedic act. And for the first time when he watched it and saw Bill he thought, 'Oh my goodness. If I did Strictly, there is a possibility that I can go far'.

"He realised if he ever came on to Strictly, that he could be taken seriously. So well done you.”

Bill said that all the training has made him fitter and leaner than he's been in years.

BBC/Guy Levy)

He added: "It is extremely tough. I have nothing but respect for dancers and the amount of work that they put in. They're athletes. It's something beyond just being fit.

"I've met elite athletes but then when you meet dancers, there's something about the way they carry themselves, it's something extraordinary.

"You have the fitness and all the rest of it. But you have something else, the grace and the poise. Trying to get to that stage in a few days is hard. But I've absolutely loved it."

Bill, currently the bookies' favourite to lift the Glitterball, said he would love to make history by helping Oti to become the first pro to win two years running – while also becoming the oldest ever winner himself.

He added: “You sometimes allow yourself a moment to imagine what it would be like.

“Of course, it would be wonderful. It would be an amazing way to cap off this extraordinary experience for me and for Oti too."