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ITV Loose Women viewers slam show as Nigel Farage is grilled amid racism and homophobia storm

Reform UK leader Nigel Farage made a guest appearance on the set of Loose Women this Friday but viewers were far from happy to see him as many took to social media.

LW: Nigel Farage grilled by panel over Reform racism scandal

ITV viewers were livid as Nigel Farage appeared on the Loose Women panel this Friday.

Kaye Adams took the reigns of the daytime ITV staple on June 28, starring alongside Gloria Hunniford, Kelly Holmes and Jane Moore. The presenter announced she would be chatting to both Shirley Ballas and the leader of Reform UK soon after at 1pm.

But as time ticked by and Nigel Farage still hadn't entered the building, hopes of seeing him on ITV ahead of Thursday, July 4's General Election seemed to dwindle.

"We are also expecting the leader of reform UK Nigel Farage to join us. He is not yet in the building but we will keep you posted. Hopefully he will be here, we're off air at 1:30pm", Kaye said.

Nigel Farage was grilled over an activist's recent racist, homophobic and Islamophobic claims, aired on Channel 4 News on Thursday (ITV)

She then announced and ad break but with Nigel Farage still a no-show, the host added: "Fingers crossed Nigel Farage will be here." Luckily, Kaye's plea was answered as she returned to the screen announcing the politician had finally arrived in the studio.

Nigel Farage appeared on the programme as he responded to undercover footage shown by Channel 4 News in which a Reform UK activist, Andrew Parker, could be heard making homophobic, islamophobic and racist comments.

During his chat with the panel, Nigel Farage shared that the activist was, in fact, an actor and suggested that the segment shown on Channel 4 could have been "a set up", which the broadcaster denied.

Nigel Farage said: "I don't know whether he was paid or not but there's something wrong", before insisting as Kaye Adams asked whether he was accusing Channel 4 of setting everything up: "no but I'm saying it's possible, something is wrong here."