ITV bosses are to announce dramatic new plans to increase the number of black, Asian and ethnic minority actors on the channel’s drama shows.

They are ready to introduce a US-style ‘quotas’ system – in which an agreed number of minority actors are guaranteed roles – to ensure programmes reflect the UK’s diverse population.

ITV Director of Drama Steve November has even branded the all-white casts of some of his most popular shows like Mr Selfridge, Whitechapel and Doc Martin as “frankly dull”.

Last September, an ITV ­promotional trailer for its new drama series provoked anger when it failed to feature a single minority actor. Mr November later admitted he was “not proud” of the promo.

But later this month, say sources, ITV Director of ­Television Peter Fincham will formally announce that ITV is ready to introduce the so-called ‘diversity quotas’.

The move follows a campaign supported by many British ethnic minority stars, including ­Homeland actor David Harewood, Lenny Henry and Meera Syal.

Actress Meera, star of the BBC comedy The Kumars, said: “With all the goodwill in the world, ­attitudes just are not changing. If things are not changing, you have got to lead people that way.

“I know people are worried about tokenism but that only happens when there is not a lot of talent out there – and there is a massive amount of talent.”

Last month BBC Director General Tony Hall also announced new measures, including a £2.1million diversity creative fund aimed at finding new ethnic minority talent.

This week a source at ITV confirmed: “There is going to be a real push here to get more black and Asian people on some of the biggest shows on the channel.

"Some shows like Downton have managed to ­introduce black faces in later series, but there is a real concern that a lot of shows are being made with all-white casts that just don’t properly reflect life on most streets in Britain any more.

Campign: Lenny Henry (

“We are committed to improving diversity at ITV and Peter Fincham will indeed talk about the ­important issue at the Producers Forum later this month.”

Support for the introduction of a quota system also came from Mr November at the Act for Change event at London’s Old Vic theatre.

Asked if it should be ­introduced, he said: “Yes, why not?” The drama boss then went on to described all-white casts as “frankly dull.”

Earlier this year ITV boss Fincham admitted he had been encouraged by the increasingly diverse make up of shows like the X Factor and the casting of black actors Ben Bailey Smith and Paterson Joseph in crime drama Law & Order: UK.

Fincham has also held meetings on the diversity issue with Baroness Oona King and Lenny Henry.

Comedian Lenny has long called for more black and ethnic actors in TV, film and in advertising.

But he criticised the BBC’s latest diversity push as “blaming the victim” because the £2.1million fund seemed to suggest there were not enough talented ethnic minority actors and actresses already out there.

In a BAFTA lecture earlier this year, comic Lenny said: “Behind closed doors, people have said to me, ‘Lenny, we would love to do this but there just aren’t enough talented BAME (black, Asian and minority ethnic) people out there to make the programmes.’

“I disagree. It’s the same mindset that led people to say there weren’t enough good black British actors to be leads until America realised there were, until they saw Idris Elba in The Wire or Chewitel Ejiofor in 12 Years a Slave.”

In 2001 when he was BBC director general Greg Dyke famously described the ­corporation as “hideously white.”

Opportunity: David Harewood in Homeland (

Comment: 'American TV makes me feel like I belong' says Homeland star David Harewood

When I turn on my television in America and I see images of black people, I feel like I’m where I belong.

There might be a black family in one advert eating cornflakes, and in the next one the guy buying the new Mercedes is black.

It’s encouraging images like this that TV chiefs need to get their heads around. We need a more realistic reflection of society.

Quota is NOT an ugly word.

We have to look at the concept, look at the American model, see how it worked and encourage – maybe even by law – the employment of a specific number of BAME (black and minority ethnic) actors to start pushing those people through.

That is not a bad thing. Most of the decisions here are made by white middle-class men and our entertainment output is coming from a very small pool.

The effect on the black audience is that they don’t watch it, it’s not engaging them.

There are so many different outlets for content and people have to start thinking about making that as appealing and engaging as possible.

The heat has been taken out of the issue. People are starting to discuss it. It’s no longer the elephant in the room.

It’s no longer scandalous to suggest it. People have stated their case, especially Lenny Henry, very articulately.

It’s a good place to be.

As Oprah said: “If you can see it, you can be it.”

When I’m in America, I can see it. That doesn’t happen on a wide scale here.

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