Joe Wicks got kids across the UK moving yesterday as he launched the first of his free virtual PE lessons, PE With Joe.

The Body Coach announced last week he would be leading daily 30-minute classes after it was confirmed schools were to close 'until further notice' in response to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.

Fitness fanatic Joe vowed he would become the "the nation's PE teacher" and devised a series of workouts that can be done in the home for youngsters without any equipment.

It's could come as a life-saver for cooped up kids and frustrated parents who are now forced to home-educate their offspring after prime minister Boris Johnson announced a UK-wide lockdown last night, meaning nobody can leave their home except for four vital reasons.

How to join in Joe Wicks Body Coach PE lessons for kids

Go to The Body Coach TV on YouTube and simply join in the 30-minute workout session from 9am Monday to Friday.

The Body Coach Joe Wicks vowed to become the nation's PE teacher (

Explaining his plan on Twitter, Joe said: "Don't worry, I've got you. I'm going to take this over.

"I'm going to get your kids moving, feeling energised, positive, optimistic.

"So tune in Monday morning at 9am and every day."

Joe's idea got off to a flying start with the first PE With Joe session getting around 800,000 streams.

Parents, grateful to Wicks for helping their offspring burn off some energy on what was for many the first day of school closures, posted pictures and videos on social media of their children taking part.

Kids up and down the country tuned into Youtube to get moving with Joe (

Coleen Rooney was one of the mums tuning into Joe's fitness class with her brood on Monday morning.

The wife of footballer Wayne Rooney took to Twitter to show a clip of her eldest boys enthusiastically copying Joe's moves.

Kai, Klay, Kit and Cass watched along on their huge projector as they bounced around on a plush rug in the Rooney's spacious living room.

Coleen Rooney shared a video of her sons joining in (
The boys looked adorable as they bounced around their living room (

At the start of Monday's almost 40-minute session, Joe Wicks said: "I'm going to be your PE teacher for the nation."

He added that while he thought the class would be just for the UK, "it's turned out to be so much bigger."

He could be heard saying that there were 614,000 viewers at the start of the class.

He added: "This is so important, I'm a man on a mission."

Joe has devised 15 minute workouts to try in the home for grown ups too (
Joe Wicks/Instagram)

Wicks was not the only coach offering to help keep the UK fit.

Nineties favourite Mr Motivator was due to host a live workout on Monday lunchtime on the Truck Festival's Facebook page.

Those taking part are being encouraged to donate to The Trussell Trust, which supports more than 1,200 UK food banks.