Britain’s Got Talent has been caught in a fakery row after being at the centre of a Channel 4 documentary.

Britain’s Greatest Hoaxer claims the hit series, created by Simon Cowell, is “manipulative” and “contrived” and very different to what viewers see.

Prankster Simon Brodkin, known for his comedy characters Lee Nelson and Jason Bent, dressed as an Orthodox Jewish rapper and managed to get through to see the judges at auditions in January 2016.

As rapper Steven Goldblatt, he was backstage for eight hours and secretly filmed his audition.

Brodkin's fake rapper made it through to see the BGT judges (

Brodkin told how producers coach and persuade contestants to say the right things to judges, manipulate what the acts do on stage and film fake scenes of celebration and despair BEFORE people have even auditioned.

But a spokesman for the show hit back calling him a fame-hungry fraud and denied manipulation of acts.”

Brodkin said: “This show sets itself up as a pure, simple, innocent talent show. I don’t think it’s that. It is contrived, manipulative and you don’t need to have talent.

Simon Brodkin dressed as Jewish rapper Steven Goldblatt (

“Shortly before I went in front of the judges I was advised what to say and how to present my act.

“A lot is recreated and manipulated. My arrival, registration and leaving were all staged. I was given direction as to how to act and they reshot each stage several times.

“Once backstage they asked me to look nervous, happy, frustrated, excited etc, filming as many emotions as possible so they have the building blocks to build their own narrative.”

In the documentary, Steven travels to Manchester for an initial audition with producers, without the judges present.

Brodkin said the show was "contrived and manipulative" (

He hides a camera in his beatbox stereo so he can film it.

Brodkin said: “No suggestions were made on the day but four days ­afterwards I received a call from an ­associate producer who told me they liked my act but the rap I auditioned with was not right for the show.

“They asked me for a new song, guiding me on what would work better for BGT.”

After answering an 13-page questionnaire about himself he was called by production which, Brodkin says, was to “mine even more personal information and potential back stories”.

Brodkin, a serial prankster, features in Channel 4 documentary Britain's Greatest Hoaxer (
Evening Gazette)

The documentary then shows Brodkin having intensive ­make- up and prosthetics to pose as Steven before a London auditions for the BGT judges.

Backstage footage shows him being repeatedly asked the same question to give the answer producers want. He is also seen posing with a flag, looking as if he is celebrating getting through. This footage is all filmed before he goes on stage.

Brodkin said: “I was taken to a separate shooting space where they got me to dance and then celebrate. The producers directed my dancing, asking me to spin, wave my flag around and be more energetic; egging me on throughout.”

Brodkin burst into a FIFA press conference and threw money at Sepp Blatter (

Asked if he felt contestants were coached before they see the judges, he said: “Yes, definitely. During TV interviews the production team coached me on several answers, getting me to rephrase them according to their suggestions.”

On stage Steven told the judges he cared for his dad after his mum died. He then raps about Britain, and why it is great, in the song Red, White and Blue. The judges are easily fooled and put him through to the next round with four yes votes.

Cowell said after the audition: “That was great Steven, it makes you feel proud to be British, it could be like the new National Anthem. I wouldn’t have imagined, Steven, that coming from you.

“You are a quiet little thing. But then when the song started, you turned into like 50 Cent.”

Brodkin disrupts a press conference being held by Donald Trump at Turnberry hotel (

Amanda Holden said: “It made me feel proud to be British and the lyrics meant a lot.”

An executive producer then spotted he was Brodkin and he was stopped from going to the live shows and asked to leave.

Brodkin said: “Having very little talent certainly isn’t a barrier to success on BGT. Some careful box fixing and a decent sob story can get you a long way, as proven with Steven Goldblatt.”

On the documentary, Brodkin is also shown pranking Cowell’s close friend and shameless billionaire Sir Philip Green, renaming his £100million super yacht the BHS Destroyer.

Brodkin is also seen disrupting a press conference by Donald Trump at Turnberry hotel in South Ayrshire, where the US president has revamped the golf course.

He said: “They are all big, they are all powerful they are all people who could do with being brought down to earth, ­hopefully with a funny bump.”

Brodkin is also shown pranking Sir Philip Green, renaming his £100m superyacht the BHS Destroyer (

In 2015 Brodkin was arrested by Swiss police after bursting into a Fifa press conference and throwing money at president Sepp Blatter. At the time he said: “They gave me back every single dollar. So if there’s anyone in this tale, the police aren’t corrupt. They treated me well and had a good sense of humour about it all. It was all real – 500 was the best my budget could stretch to.

“It was a good day out in Switzerland and there’s been a lot of warmth from many parts of the world coming my way, which has been enjoyable.”

Last night a BGT spokesman said: “It is not unusual for Britain’s Got Talent to work with acts to ensure their performances are suitable for family viewing.

“On this occasion Simon Brodkin ­auditioned with a rap containing material we were concerned may cause offence.

“We subsequently found out that Simon Brodkin is a ‘comedian’ and hoaxer who promotes his act by deceiving people.

“It is untrue to suggest that Britain’s Got Talent manipulated Simon’s act.

The source added: “It’s ironic he thought it was funny to manipulate a full live theatre audience by making false claims about who he was and yet is trying to accuse Britain’s Got Talent of being manipulative.

“This guy is just desperate for fame – and is hoping to get it by being a professional fraud and con artist.”

Acts caught out as fake

Julie O'Dwyer and Matisse

There ended up being a huge backlash against Jules O'Dwyer and Matisse (

Viewers of the talent show felt duped when they discovered 2015 winner Jules O’Dwyer used a stunt dog instead of Matisse for the tight-rope walk. The duo scooped the £250,000 prize but there was a huge backlash after it emerged, another dog performed some of the tricks as Matisse was afraid of heights.

Wendy The Talking Dog

Wendy The Talking Dog was a big hit with the judges and audiences in 2015, until it was revealed she wore a fake nose and tongue like a muzzle, which was operated using a remote control by owner Marc Metral.

Beau Dermott

It was revealed 'nervous' Beau, 12, was a stage-school pro (

The show was blasted in 2016 over Golden Buzzer act Beau Dermott, who was presented as a “nervous” school girl as she belted out Defying Gravity from West End musical Wicked. Her mother claimed it was “a really big deal” for her daughter to get up on stage and perform in front of a crowd. But it was revealed Beau, 12, was a stage-school pro and had won other talent shows.

Colin “Fingers” Henry

In the same year pianist Colin “Fingers” Henry was embroiled in a fakery row after claiming he was a Guinness World Record holder for the “longest time playing while balancing on your head”. The organisation said it didn’t recognise the record.

Alex Magala

Alex Magala’s death-defying stunts were so dangerous they had to be pre-recorded for the final, but eagle-eyed viewers were disappointed – branding the act “fake” – when they spotted a safety wire attached to his foot as he spiralled towards a chainsaw at the end of his routine.

  • Britain’s Greatest Hoaxer, Channel 4, tomorrow, 10pm.