He's the ex-playboy prince with a net worth of more than $1 billion making Prince Albert of Monaco one of the wealthiest royals in the world.

He flies by private jet – naturally – drives fast cars and has a cellar at his palace containing 15,000 bottles of super-expensive wine.

And those lucky enough to live in his kingdom are able to do so tax free - good news - because a third of the country's residents are millionaires.

Now a new BBC2 show Inside Monaco: Playground of the Super Rich follows Prince Albert and peers into a world of wealth in this French Riviera paradise.

Prince Albert flies by private jet, drives fast cars and has a cellar at his palace containing 15,000 bottles of super-expensive wine (
AFP via Getty Images)

The 62-year-old is head of the princely house of Grimaldi, and the child of the late Prince Rainier III and Hollywood starlet Grace Kelly who died from a stroke.

The prince has given the BBC cameras intimate access into his life for the documentary.

And while interviewing the prince's closest confidentes one of them reveals an endearing secret among staff.

Palace Head of Press Nicolas Saussier says: "We have a friendly saying when we refer to the Prince sometimes, among ourselves.

The prince has given the BBC cameras intimate access into his life for the documentary (
BBC/Spun Gold TV/Photos@Palais Princier)

"We call him Le Patron - The Boss.

"It's very respectful. In our mind he's the boss. He's running the country."

And Christine Sprile, the prince’s private secretary, adds: "He always has the last word. He has to accept or not. He has to agree or not.

"All the things that are proposed to him so he has a big role in Monaco.

"He is really a Head of State."

Monaco, around the size of Hyde Park, prides itself on being the glamour capital of the world.

If you want to live in Monaco you need to be 'liquid' (
Getty Images/iStockphoto)

And if you want to join the world's elite and not pay any income tax and live there then you better have plenty of cash. But that's not just all.

There are a strict set of rules and requirements which you must abide by and one very important rule - you must be 'liquid'.

Being liquid means being able to prove you always have half a million Euros always available in your bank account.

Monaco resident and Real Estate agent Mark Thomas reveals during episode 1 of the show just what it takes to be able to live on the island.

He says: "You can be a resident if you have no criminal record, either you have a job or a bank account, an apartment whether you own it or lease it and there are certain rules that you have to follow and then you're fine.

"You have to be liquid and just behave like a normal human being - it's such a special place."

Out of a population of 37,000, there are 9,000 citizens - Monégasque passport holders or Monaco locals.

Mark added: "You can apply after 10 years of residency [to become a citizen] but the process is quite difficult however, and it ultimately it comes down to the Prince's decision - his word. What he wants, goes, basically."

Inside Monaco is on BBC2 on Monday at 9pm