A family flew Legoland in Denmark for £200 less than a trip to the same UK resort, in a shocking incitement of the price of plane tickets compared to rail fares.

Nicola, 46, and her husband Alan Sutcliffe, 57, took their eight-year-old son Matthew to Legoland Billund after realising it would be cheaper than visiting Legoland Windsor. The family spent £30 each on return flights from Edinburgh Airport on April 7, 2024, at 7.20pm, before spending the night in a private room at Legoland for £165. They spent the following day exploring Legoland and having dinner before flying back at 9.55pm.

Despite splurging on an overnight stay, primary school teacher Nicola and stay-at-home dad Alan still estimate they saved around £184. The cost of getting the train down from the Scottish city to London and then across the Windsor can comfortably stretch above £100 per person return, despite being a much greener form of transport than flying. The family enjoyed the experience so much that they're already considering doing it again.

The young lad had a a great time at the Lego theme park (
No credit)

Nicola, from Glasgow, Scotland, said: "We were going to go to Windsor, but we realised the original is in Denmark and it's home of Lego. It is also where the original Lego factory is so a lot of things were ticking boxes for us to go. For all three of us it was under £100 (the flights) - we were laughing!"

Nicola had initially planned to visit Legoland Windsor but was taken aback when she discovered a return train ticket would cost each of them £195. The family decided it was a no-brainer to opt for Denmark instead after securing cheap return flights.

Nicola said: "We literally went because of the cheap flights it had to be a 24-hour trip to get the deal. We just brought a small rucksack bag. We didn't need to bring jackets as it wasn't raining. It was amazing we got a deal from Super.com - for a private room in the Legoland hotel for £165. We had view of the park and got a fabulous breakfast with pastries, pancakes and gorgeous coffee."

The next morning saw them exploring Legoland and the Lego house, grabbing a pizza at a local restaurant before catching their flight back at 9.55pm and landing back in Edinburgh at 10.30pm. Nicola continued: "The hotel was fab Denmark is amazing, everyone is so friendly and it's not so commercial like in the UK.

"The park is a five-minute walk to the Lego House. It was incredible, and it has the best Lego structure in the world. I just can't imagine how much it would have been if we went to London it was an amazing 24 hours."

Here's a breakdown of Nicola and Aaron's costs:

Return flights for the entire family - £93, Legoland and Lego House - £230, hotel - £165. Total- £488.

Approximate cost of trip to Windsor from Edinburgh Return trains - £585, Legoland entry - £29 each (online) £68 (on the day). Total - £672, approximate saving - £184.

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