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EXCLUSIVE: British Airways scraps 'life-line' Caribbean fares ahead of Windrush anniversary

British Airways has stopped selling community fares to Caribbean destinations, impacting people travelling to countries including Barbados, Antigua, St Lucia, Guyana, Dominica, St Kitts and Tobago

British Airways have scrapped its community fares(Getty Images)

British Airways has scrapped community fares to its Caribbean destinations in a move that some are saying will 'decimate' travel from the UK to the islands.

Community fares let travellers book a ticket and then pay it off over a period of time, making expensive flights more affordable to destinations such as St Lucia and Dominica.

On Thursday the UK's flag carrier quietly binned the fare option, ending a means of buying tickets that has been hugely popular in certain communities for at least 30 years.

One travel agent who asked not to be named told The Mirror that the many potential customers planning to head to the Caribbean for the 75th Windrush Anniversary on June 22 had now ditched the idea, deeming it to be unaffordable.

They described it as a "hammer blow to the community".

Vincent John, chairman of the Dominic UK Association and Newham African Caribbean Centre, said 80% of people in his community relied on the fares for journeys to their ancestral homes.

Are you affected by the end of community fares? Email as at webtravel@reachplc.com

Vincent John said the end of the fares would 'decimate' travel between the UK and Caribbean(Vincent John)

"If a family of four is travelling with an extremely high fare, now they have no opportunity for deposit," Vincent, who "uses community fares all the time", said.