Have you ever sat there and rolled your eyes when you've been added to yet another group chat that you just didn't want to be a part of, and minutes later, the message count is nearing 100? Some people find it overwhelming and stressful to be part of a large chat with multiple people, and would rather not be added to them without their consent.

But one woman has shared a fantastic hack which means whenever you get added to a larger chat, you'll need to accept the invite before the messages come through thick and fast.

Alice, who posts on TikTok as @aspoonfulofalice, shared the 'game-changing' hack to ensure your consent needs to be given before the big chats commence.

Alice said that previously, she had "no idea" that you could do this, so wanted to impart her knowledge to others who "hate" being added to WhatsApp group chats.

She explained: "Go to WhatsApp, go to settings, and then choose privacy, and then you can see that it says groups. Tap that, and then you can choose who is able to add you to group chats without you accepting an invitation first.

"So, I've gone for everyone because I hate it, and so I just clicked my 'contacts except' and picked 'everybody', so it excludes everybody from adding me to group chats without my consent.

"And now everybody who wants to add me to a group chat, they can, but I get a notification that asks me if I want to be added or not...like, game-changer!"

In the comments, other people left their handy WhatsApp hacks to make it a more manageable platform.

One wrote: "Another handy one is that if you need to be in it but keep getting notifications, permanently mute the chat so you can just check in one go."

Another said: "Also, archive the chat if seeing it when you open WhatsApp annoys you. Then you can check it once a day just in case or whatever."

Have you got any WhatsApp hacks? Let us know in the comments.

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