Champion jockey Paul Hanagan struck silver at Ascot yesterday, but it wasn't enough to stop the Irish once again.

Hanagan won the silver saddle as the Shergar Cup's top individual rider but the team from the Emerald Isle came out on top for the third year running.

The title didn't look to be heading that way for most of the afternoon, with Richard Hughes's side languishing in last place and still only third with one race to go.

But a 1-2 for Fran Berry and Colm O'Donoghue and a fifth place for Hughes swept them to the front on 70 points, seven ahead of the British trio.

"I'm honoured to pick up a prize like this against the top jockeys in the world, but I'm still gutted that the team couldn't make it," said Hanagan.

Hughes's championship chances have been scuppered by suspension this year, but he's still a hard man to beat on a day like this.

"We knew we had some good rides to come even though we were behind and you always have a chance in this competition," said Hughes before showering his team mates in champagne.

"Paul pipped me for championship last year and it's nice to get one against him for a change," he said.

O'Donoghue got a few hints from Frankie Dettori prior to his win on Godolphin's Parlour Games.

"Frankie was really helpful. I'm usually trying to beat them on Aidan O'Brien's horses so it's great to get a chance to be on their side for once," he said.

Berry's clinching success came on Morache Music and he said: "It's brilliant to be asked to take part in an event like this."

Dettori opted out of the Shergar Cup to stay home at Newmarket and punters who took the hint were rewarded by a runaway winner in Discourse.

Kieren Fallon teamed up with old boss Sir Michael Stoute to lift Haydock's top prize on Class Is Class.