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'Drunk' jockeys suspended after night out descended into fight over smashed phone

Both riders were stood down immediately by officials after they were found to have engaged in "violent conduct towards each other" in a racecourse changing room

Jockey Kenichi Ikezoe was suspended after getting involved in a fight with another jockey

A jockeys’ night out at a restaurant which ended in a fight has led to the suspension of two riders.

Kenichi Ikezoe, one of Japan’s top riders, and Akira Tomita were among a group of several jockeys who went out to dinner at a restaurant.

But in the early hours of the following morning the pair became engaged in “violent conduct toward each other” in a racecourse changing room, according to the Japan Racing Association.

As a result 44-year-old Ikezoe was suspended for four days and Tomita, 27, stood down for two days. Both have been replaced on their rides on Saturday and Sunday.

The JRA was alerted to the incident, which happened on Monday, by stable officials,, according to Netkeiba.com, which led to both jockeys and other witnesses being interviewed.

Netkeiba reported that Ikezoe and Tomita went to dinner in a restaurant in Hakodate City. “Both were drunk, and Ikezoe engaged in behaviour such as engaging in an overbearing attitude toward Tomita,” the report said.

“Unable to bear the behaviour, Tomita slammed a nearby smartphone on the table, shattering the screen, but the phone belonged to Ikezoe.

“Afterwards, Ikezoe and Tomita got into an argument, but another jockey who was present separated the two, and Ikezoe went back to the training room first.