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Newcastle's Joe Kinnear paid price for not getting a higher price for Yohan Cabaye out of PSG

Controversial director of football was ASKED to leave after just eight months because owner Mike Ashley expected more than £19m for his star man

Sloppy Joe: Kinnear, with owner Mike Ashley, jumped before he was pushed(Michael Regan)

Joe Kinnear was forced out of his job at Newcastle after failing to get the best price for Yohan Cabaye.

The ex-Director of Football was asked to leave his post on Monday, rather than resigning of his own accord.

And one of the final reasons was the £19million fee he agreed for the French play-maker which owner Mike Ashley believed has sold the Magpies short.

Kinnear’s handling of the one big transfer deal of his eight months in charge of football business at St James’ Park left the club up to £5m down on what Ashley had hoped to extract for his star player.

Newcastle have no plans to replace Kinnear immediately, although they will have to get a chief-executive figure at the helm in time for the summer window.

Manager Alan Pardew is demanding a “rebuild” of his squad, which will require a tough negotiator and experienced operator to be in place.

There was frustration from Pardew and chief scout Graham Carr that the ex-Wimbledon manager failed to land a permanent deal last summer or in January, despite a list of ambitious targets which were out of Newcastle’s league.

The price is wrong: PSG got Yohan Cabaye for far less than Ashley's valuation(Getty Images)

One of the ones that got away: Newcastle failed to land Clement Grenier(2013 Getty Images)

Denied! Kinnear talked up a move for Gareth Bale before he went to Real Madrid(Reuters)