Tonight you can finally start counting down to summer, as the clocks change in the UK.

The clocks will go forwards tonight, taking us from Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) to British Summer Time (BST).

While the clocks go forwards every Spring, the clock change still seems to catch many of us out.

Here’s everything you need to know about the clock change, and our tips for coping with it.

When do the clocks change?

The exact change happens at 01:00 tonight, at which point the clocks go forward to 02:00.

Spring is here! (

Why do the clocks change?

Benjamin Franklin came up with the clock change idea in Paris in 1784.

The lightbulb-inventor suggested that people could save money on candles if they got up when it was lighter outside.

In 1907, this idea was brought to the UK by a builder called William Willett, who published a leaflet called The Waste of Daylight, encouraging people to wake up earlier.

Sadly, the UK government took some convincing to make the clock change official, and it wasn’t until 1916 - a year after Willett died - that the clock change was implemented in the UK.

How to cope with the clock change

The clocks only change by an hour, but this change can wreak havoc with your body clock and sleep patterns.

Dr Victoria Revell, Head of Strategic Development at the Surrey Clinical Research Centre, explained: "Moving the clocks forward will result in delaying the clock time of sunrise and thus the time that we receive the morning bright light necessary to keep our body clock on track.

Sleeping man disturbed by alarm clock early in the morning (

“Scheduling this time change for a weekend compounds the problem, as in addition to the clock change we tend to have different sleeping patterns during the weekend, so an even greater shift in internal timing is required to get us back on track come Monday morning.”

Thankfully, there are several things you can do to prepare for the clock change:

1. Prepare your body

Try gradually shifting the timing of your body clock in the days before the clock change. This means that by Sunday your body will already be on BST.

2. Get outside

Try to get outside soon after you wake up on Sunday. This bright light will boost your mood and alertness, and will also provide the signal the body needs to push the body clock earlier in time.

3. Avoid staying up and getting up late

Try to stick to your weekday sleep schedule. If you let yourself have a lie in, you’ll need an even bigger shift in internal timing to adapt and get up for the first day back at work