Nine members of a brutal gang suspected of raping a young girl in front of her screaming mother have been shot dead by armed police in South Africa.

Swift justice was handed out when the elite unit were ordered by top brass to find the eleven men who had put their victim through such a sickening ordeal. The ruthless gang based near Durban, KwaZulu-Natal province, were believed to be behind a series of serious crimes including murder and armed robbery.

And when shocking details emerged from the mother of the sexually tortured girl who was repeatedly raped during a house robbery the gang were targeted. Officers from the crack KZN Provincial Stabilisation Team were mobilised when a tip off came through that the gang were planning a hit on a rival boss. The unit were dropped off close to a house identified as the gang HQ in Desai, Mariannhill, but mistakenly in the dark had surrounded the wrong address.

A look out alerted the gang members inside who opened fire on the police unit who responded instantly and within minutes nine gang members lay dead. Police are hunting the two known remaining members who either escaped or who were not present and relayed the news to the rape victim and her mum.

KZN police spokesperson Colonel Robert Netshiunda said: “The Provincial Stabilisation Team pounced on the gang in the early hours of Wednesday morning. The suspects had been on our radar for serious and violent crimes but then allegedly raped a young girl and made her mother watch during a house robbery.

“The shoot-out happened when we received intelligence that the gang were plotting to execute a hit on a rival so an action plan was quickly put into place. Nine gang members were shot dead and three firearms have so far been found in their possession and a man hunt for two suspects is underway."

Col Netshiunda confirmed the wrong house was approached but said: “Our team tactically retaliated and neutralized the threat with no injuries to us”. The unit were also in action in Durban last week when sent to an address where a gang wanted for a string of murders was said to be holed up and surrounded it.

The gang opened fire and the police retaliated killing all four suspects inside. South African Police are currently waging a war on gangs who are engaged in a deadly battle for territory and control of the drugs, liquour and prostitution market.

Every day in South Africa there are on average 75 murders and 120 rapes mainly carried out between rival gangs and in the impoverished areas where police rarely venture. A South African Police detective based in Durban said: “This group had been pushing and pushing for a while and this horrific gang rape was just the final straw.

“It happened just before info came in to where the gang could be found so the green light was given to arrest them but they made a mistake in opening fire first. The response was instant and when the shooting stopped 9 of those inside were dead” he said.

Social media users showed little sympathy with the men who died. Mooiman Mag said: “Case closed – beautiful work” and Bongani Kunene said “Good riddance. Terrorising our community. Fantastic job KZN police.”

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