The dentist who slayed Cecil the lion five years ago is hunting again.

Walter Palmer, 60, paid up to £80,000 to slaughter a huge ram in Mongolia.

But after the outrage over the death of Cecil, the American “driller killer’s” face is hidden on photos boasting of the hunt.

Humane Society International said: “Clearly the killing for kicks continues”.

In a new photo - with his face hidden from view - the man who killed Cecil the lion shows off a slaughtered wild sheep.

The image was taken on a sickening trip that proves dentist Palmer has returned to trophy hunting.

It comes despite the global backlash the American sparked after slaying much-loved lion Cecil in Zimbabwe, almost exactly five years ago.

Palmer paid up to £80,000 for the trip to hunt Altai argali – the world’s biggest type of sheep – in Mongolia.

Walter Palmer is famous for killing Cecil the Lion (
Aaron St Clair)
Much-loved Zimbabwean lion Cecil (

Dr Teresa Telecky, wildlife vice-president at Humane Society International, said: “For trophy hunters to travel to Mongolia to kill a beautiful and ­endangered ram is an absolute outrage.

“The argali ram is a species in danger of extinction, so the idea that these animals can be killed for pleasure is abhorrent.

“The killing of Cecil the lion five years ago caused international shock. But clearly the killing for kicks continues.

“It’s time for the law to stop wildlife killers in their tracks by banning trophy hunting.”

Palmer, left, with his face out of shot holding a ram hunted in Mongolia

The Mirror is campaigning for an end to trophy hunting and calling on the UK Government to ban the import of animals killed for pleasure.

Palmer’s trip to Mongolia last August is thought to have lasted up to a week, after travelling 5,800 miles from his home state of Minnesota.

Palmer and his friend Brent Sinclair met local guides before heading into the mountains to track their prey.

Walter Palmer and Brent Sinclair

The two men have travelled the world together to kill animals for fun.

It is understood the ram, said to be a “much older male”, was killed with an arrow from around 30 yards.

A source claims Palmer has several more trips planned.

The insider said: “At the time of Cecil’s death, Walter took a back seat. But he’s been hunting ever since he was a boy. It’s a way of life to him. Walter has undertaken several hunts since Cecil’s death.

"The trip to Mongolia was his idea. The ram was on his list of hunts he wanted to complete.��

Walter Palmer, 60, approached about the photo by Mirror man Christopher Bucktin (
Aaron St Clair)

The sheep is still in Mongolia for now. US officials have yet to grant the permit for it to be exported to America.

Of their hunt to kill the Altai argali, Sinclair was careful not to name Palmer on social media posts, instead calling him “amigo”.

Writing on his public Facebook page, Sinclair said of the driller killer: “I have booked more hunting trips with this guy over the past 20 years than I can count.

Walter Palmer posing with one of his many trophies

“Together, we have travelled to many far reaches of the world.”

He talked about them once killing an elephant, but said the trip to slaughter the sheep may be “at the top of the pinnacle and hard to beat”.

He added: “Thanks, Amigo for the adventure... look forward to our next one.”

The Mirror spoke to Palmer as he emerged from a bar in Bloomington, Minnesota, after he had taken an early lunch.

He smiled at first, but his face turned to anger when shown the pictures of his hunt in Mongolia.

Palmer refuses to hunt with a gun, using a bow and arrow instead

He refused to talk, driving off in his £95,000 Porsche Cayenne Turbo.

Dad-of-two Palmer refuses to hunt with a gun, using a bow and arrow instead.

He is known to spend hours practising at his million-dollar five-bedroom home in Eden Prairie, near Minneapolis, and his holiday house in Marco Island, Florida.

Palmer was with Sinclair, who arranges hunts for wealthy Americans, when Cecil the lion was killed.

The magnificent creature was a huge attraction in Hwange National Park.

Palmer on a hunting trip in Mongolia

At the time, he was being tracked through a GPS satellite collar by a research team at Oxford University as part of a long-term study.

The 13-year-old black-maned lion was wounded with an arrow, then tracked and killed with a second dart the following morning, around 12 hours later.

Police investigated after a claim that Cecil was slaughtered illegally. There were accusations bait was used to lure him out of his protected habitat.

However, Zimbabwe’s High Court threw out charges against Palmer’s guide Theo Bronkhorst.

The court agreed with the defence that it could not have been a crime because the American had a legal permit to hunt.

It is thought the trip cost Palmer around £40,000. Afterwards, the dentist said: “If I had known this lion had a name and was important to the country or a study, obviously I wouldn’t have taken it.

“Nobody in our hunting party knew before or after the name of this lion.”

Two weeks after Palmer’s trip to Mongolia last year, the US President’s eldest son Donald Trump Jr also ­travelled there to hunt the sheep.

It cost American taxpayers £60,000 for the cost of secret service agents.

Critics argue that Trump Jr’s love of killing big game is the reason why his dad has rolled back restrictions on imports of hunting trophies.