People were held held hostage inside a nightclub in the Netherlands, police have confirmed, with claims that he has weapons and explosives.

Reports emerged that "multiple" people at the Cafe Petticoat in Ede were being held hostage. Police said in a statement: "We notice that there are many questions about the reason. At this time there is no indication of a terrorist motive."

First news of the hostage situation began at 5.42am and it lasted for around seven hours later. A person was claimed to have explosives and 150 homes were evacuated.

Police said in a statement on Twitter: "A hostage situation involving several people is underway in a building in the centre. That is why several specialist services are on site."

Images from the scene in Ede, a rural market town 53 miles southeast of Amsterdam, showed police and firefighters on the streets in a cordoned-off area. The municipality said that all shops in the centre of Ede would remain closed.

Finally a man, believed to have been the hostage taker, was seen leaving the building around 12.30pm local time and arrested, after four people were released.

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'Hostage taker' seen kneeling down and being taken away

The alleged hostage taker can be seen with his hands on his head and then kneeling down before being taken away by police.

In a press conference following the incident, it was revealed that the man had several knives on him which he is claimed to have used to threaten people in the bar. The hostages are all believed to have been cleaners at the premises.

"We don't know yet what is in that backpack," says Marthyne Kunst, chief officer of the East Netherlands Public Prosecution Service. "We are now fully investigating this and we are searching the café."

Hostage situation 'now over', says mayor's spokesperson

A hostage situation at a bar in the Netherlands is now over, says a spokesperson for the local mayor.

A man wearing a balaclava was seen leaving Cafe Petticoat at 12.30pm local time and he was taken away by police. He came out with his hands up and he was handcuffed by officers.

A man is arrested (

Man leaves the bar with his hands raised

A person wearing a balaclava has now left Cafe Petticoat in Ede just before 12.30 pm with his hands up.

The person was handcuffed by the police outside the bar. Shortly before that another person left the premises after the first three people came out with the arms raised.

The police cannot yet confirm that the hostage situation has ended.

'A terrible situation for these people' says local mayor

A local mayor has described the situation as "terrible" for those involved in the hostage situation.

Mayor Rene Verhulst said: "A hostage situation is currently underway in the center of Ede. Three hostages have just been released, but the situation is still ongoing.

"A terrible situation for all these people. My concern and thoughts go out to them and their loved ones. I hope that the situation will now be resolved quickly and safely."

He added: "In addition to my concern for the hostages, I understand that this has an impact on all people who have suddenly had to leave their homes, as well as on the businesses in the centre, as all shops remain closed for the time being.

"I hope for their understanding, especially on this day before Easter. We have opened the Town Hall as an emergency location. The authorities involved are making every effort to resolve the situation in a safe and peaceful manner. As soon as more information becomes available, we will share it with you. Follow the police channels and our channels for this.”

Armed police are negotiating with the hostage taker (
Hollandse Hoogte/REX/Shutterstock)

Resident sees robot sending a bag into the nightclub

A local resident said he saw a robot carrying a bag into the nightclub.

The man told NOS Radio 1 Journaal that he has not been asked to evacuate but has been able to follow the scene from his balcony.

"I walked outside to see if we also need to be evacuated, but we live just on the edge, so it is not necessary yet. But I am following everything from my balcony," he said, adding that he saw the robot carrying a brown bag to someone inside the bar. It is unknown what was in the bag or who received it.

Heavily armoured police vehicle at scene

The 'bearcat' - a very heavy armoured vehicle is on the scene at Ede.

Police have confirmed that three people have been allowed to leave the bar but it is unclear how many people are inside.

Party held at club until 4am where hostages taken

A party was taking place on Friday night at the nightclub where the hostages are being held.

Under the name 'Living Room Session 16+ Neon Edition' the party lasted until 4 am, according to post on Facebook.

Comments on social media have mentioned the hostage taker having a knife. "They are allowed to eat, drink and go to the toilet under supervision," it was claimed. "The cameras are still on so they can keep an eye on it."

Three people seen leaving the bar as negotiator is called in

Three people have been seen leaving the bar while a negotiator has been deployed.

More than 150 homes have now been evacuated from the area while no trains are running between Barneveld-Zuid and Ede-Wageningen and specialised police teams are at the scene.

Owner of bar says that his employees are being held hostage

The owner of the bar confirmed to De Telegraaf that his employees were currently being held hostage.

Police said they are assuming there is one hostage taker, but has not said what contact is being made with the person or whether they are carrying explosives. “That could be to the detriment of safety,” they reportedly said.

A bar owner said his staff were being held hostage (

A man reportedly entered a nightclub with weapons and explosives

A man allegedly entered a nighclub at closing time with weapons and explosives and threatened to blow the place up.

Police and emergency services in Ede responded en masse to the hostage situation in the Petticoat party café on Nieuwe Stationsstraat, reported De Telegraaf.

A man entered a nightclub threatening to blow it up, it is reported (

People warned to 'stay inside' by police with situation ongoing

People have been warned to "stay inside" as the situation is ongoing.

The Police Unit East Netherlands, in the Province of Gelderland, has also updated the public on X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter.

The post reads: "#Ede - Due to an ongoing police incident, the police requests to stay away from the center of Ede. Stay inside and don't come and watch." Another post reads: "An area is now being evacuated in "#Ede , approximately 150 homes. The residents are taken care of."

Armed police at the scene (
Hollandse Hoogte/REX/Shutterstock)