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Woman's cheeky advert for free dog sitter while she's on holiday splits opinions

A woman has divided opinions after offering her pet up as a 'part-time dog' in an attempt to get a free pet sitter while she is on holiday - she doesn't want to spend money on her dog's boarding

She is searching for a 'part-time owner' for her dog(Reddit)

While you might want to welcome a dog into your home, you might not be in the right position to do so. As a responsible pet owner, you should make sure you have enough time and money to commit to an animal as they are unable to provide for themselves.

However, this doesn't always happen and animals can end up suffering emotionally or physically as a result. A woman has raised eyebrows after offering up her pet as a "part-time dog" for a family so she doesn't have to pay for a pet sitter when she goes away on holiday.

Her advert has divided opinions(Getty Images/Image Source)

She made an advert for a 'part-time dog' and stuck it to a noticeboard in an attempt to gauge interest on her offer - but she has instead divided opinions online.

The notice, shared on Reddit, reads: "Do you love dogs but are too busy to have a full-time commitment or too much financially?

"Tedy is looking for an alternative family. Would you like your kids to have a dog?

"My mum is happy to share me with you on weekends or afternoons (as per agreement) for an exchange to look after me when she is travelling.

"Interested to learn more? Please get in touch."

While some users stated how they'd love to have a 'part-time commitment to a dog', others slammed the woman for 'wanting to leave her dog with strangers to go on holiday".