Soggy food is a big no-no for many. The texture can feel all wrong when it's in your mouth or on your skin – but it doesn't seem to bother one woman.

The lass in question took to the internet to reveal she washes grated cheese. And while this may sound bonkers, there is some logic behind the process.

The mum, who shared the hack online under the username @jeanelleandkate, insisted that rinsing pre-packed grated cheese is the "best kitchen hack ever." In her video, which has racked up more than 11,000 likes, she whips the cheese out of its packet and chucks it into a big sieve sitting on top of a glass jug.

She then showers the cheese with water, insisting she's scrubbing away anti-caking agents, which are meant to "stop the pieces from sticking together."

She explained: "Have you heard of washing your cheese? This is the best kitchen hack ever. Saves you time from having to shred your own cheese, pre-caking all the stuff on it that people don't like about pre-shredded cheese."

She claims the cheese comes coated with an anti-caking agent to keep it loose and user-friendly. But by "just pouring the water over the cheese" and giving it a good rub with your hands, you can rinse all that off ready to cook.

However, you don't actually need to do that. TikTok users were left horrified by the idea, with many critics quick to point out that she's just left with soggy cheese. One user quipped: "And now I have wet cheese? No thanks."

Another person remarked: "I think I will stick to grating my own." Someone else sarcastically said: "Great, soggy cheese." Meanwhile, a fourth advised: "Just shred your own cheese. It's cheaper and better."

She claims washing the cheese removes the bonding agents that stops it sticking together (
(Image: Getty))

Anti-caking agents sprinkled into bags of pre-shredded cheese are perfectly safe to eat. They help to stop moisture-related clumping or separation issues caused by the natural tackiness of cheese.

Potato starch, cellulose powder, or cornstarch powders are commonly used to soak up any excess wetness, ensuring your shredded cheese stays loose and ready for action.

These powders not only ward off unwanted moisture but also coat each strand of cheese, ensuring they stay apart. This makes it easier for you to garnish your favourite dishes.

Plus, this extra step in processing means less time spent wrestling with cheese lumps in the kitchen, keeping your lasagnas and tacos looking as good as they taste.