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Vet left mortified at dog's name that made his day incredibly awkward

A vet has taken to Reddit to share the 'worst dog name' he has ever come across throughout his career - and admits he tried to avoid saying it throughout the animal's check up

The chihuahua is called Sexy(Getty Images/RooM RF)

When coming up with dog names, you should imagine yourself shouting them out in a crowded park to see whether they would work in a 'real world' situation. This method could help you avoid embarrassment - especially if names like Twinkle Toes or Sugar Bum Fairy are topping your list.

A vet has been left mortified after conducting a check-up with a chihuahua who was given a "rather unfortunate name", saying it made "the whole consultation very awkward". Speaking to Reddit, he shared the worst pet name he has ever come across - and explained how it made for the "most awkward" work day of his entire career.

He tried to avoid saying the dog's name(Getty Images)

He said: "The worst dog name was Sexy - for a chihuahua."

Explaining how awkward this made things, he gave some examples, adding: "If you could just lift Sexy up here please, thank you" and "Now I might need your help to hold Sexy down".

But he said the worst part came when he had to check the dog's behind, further adding: "I'm going to put this in your butt Sexy but I'll be quick".

While most users questioned "who in their right mind would name their dog Sexy", others couldn't help but laugh and made jokes about the situation he found himself in.

One user asked: "Yes, but will you bring Sexy back?"

Another user added: "Why is it always chihuahua owners?"