Learning to drive can be no mean feat, spending countless hours behind the wheel, and learning different manoeuvres and the rules of the road can be gruelling. All for it to come down to the test day and putting your skills into motion.

If you ever endured a driving test, it's a day no one forgets. Worrying whether you will pass, and trying to remember everything you've learned - and if you failed you'd hope it was done with some empathy. However, one examiner has defended the way he told a learner he'd failed his test, as people branded him as 'ruthless'.

In a video, you can see learner Khemaran, from Florida in the driver's seat, alongside instructor Richard Fanders from the Conquer Driving YouTube channel. Khermaran decided to give a UK driving test a go, after driving in America for 12 years, he didn't have any lessons and plunged himself straight into doing the test.

For the video, the pair hilariously shed light on the brutality of learning to drive in the UK. Richard played the role of an examiner named Jason - and he was a good pretend examiner. No-nonsense Jason donned a hi-vis vest as the pair began the mock test - and Khermaran wasn't as skilled as he thought he was when it came to his driving skills.

Racking up 11 minors and six serious majors, it's safe to say he didn't pass and Richard didn't hold back on breaking the news. "I'm afraid to say, you failed. Better luck next time," he bluntly stated as no-nonsense Jason after he asked Khemaran to pull over and turn off the engine. Undoing his seatbelt and getting out of the car, Khemaran was left sat in the car.

People loved the realistic acting that the pair gave and praised the accuracy of the hilarious video. One viewer said: "I was smiling throughout this video. The stoic face, lame jokes, and almost condescending remarks/tone at times were so accurate as to how a lot of driving examiners act and behave during the test," and added: "This video also taught me some things I did not know, having passed more than a year ago."

Others said Richard was "on point" as an examiner and shared: "Jason was on point for a DVSA examiner. The atrocious jokes, the robotic small talk, and the delivery of instructions - brilliant." Although some said he was a little too harsh as one person said: "That examiner was ruthless! I'm surprised Khemaran was able to remain so calm."

However, Richard decided to address the claims he was too harsh and responded: "The examiners usually give a debrief but I thought I might try and add a bit of entertainment to the video."

Do you have a story to share? Email Niamh.Kirk@reachplc.com