Unfortunately for arachnophobes, with the cosy autumn evenings comes a somewhat panic-inducing rise in household spider sightings. As the summer ends, spiders will start to look for shelter from the cooler weather, and may well view your home as the ideal spot to put their eight feet up.

Although the majority of spiders won't actually cause you any harm, approximately 3 to 6% (475 million people) worldwide have a fear of them, and finding one scurrying around your living room when you're trying to relax can be a somewhat unpleasant experience.

Now experts at End of Tenancy Cleaning have shared a number of tips and tricks for keeping spiders at bay, and you won't necessarily have to spend a fortune.

Spiders flee from the scent of peppermint (Stock Photo) (
Getty Images)

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Peppermint Oil

For just £1.98, peppermint oil is regarded as "the best option", when it comes to keeping a spider-free house as "it has been scientifically proven to repel spiders".

According to the End of Tenancy Cleaning experts: "This is due to the fact that spiders smell through their legs, so as soon as they are hit with that overpowering scent of peppermint, they will flee because the smell is too strong for them.

"We would recommend mixing peppermint oil with water in a spray bottle and then spraying the areas of your home that you have noticed to be susceptible to spiders. However, because peppermint oil is toxic to pets, we recommend avoiding this method if you have any furry friends."

White Vinegar

White vinegar contains acetic acid, which spiders are known to be very sensitive to, and so also makes for an excellent repellant. At just 32p, it's also very cost-effective, and you will likely already have a bottle in your kitchen cupboard.

This also might be a good option for those with dogs and cats as, unlike peppermint oil, white vinegar isn’t toxic to pets and also doesn’t have any harmful effects.

According to the experts: "We recommend spraying half water, half vinegar over windows, your kitchen, and other entrances where bugs and spiders could be sneaking in."

You can gather chestnuts from outside, completely free of charge (Stock Photo) (
Getty Images/iStockphoto)


Chestnuts are said to contain a natural oil that repels spiders, and so popping a few around your home or in your windows may well put them off entering altogether. You can grab some from the shops for around £2.85, or collect some for yourself absolutely free.

The experts said: "Chestnuts typically harvest from mid-September through to November in the UK, so make sure you’re on the lookout during these months so you can collect some for yourself!"

Lighting candles

Spiders are not keen on lots of different smells, including lemon, cinnamon, and citronella meaning a £1.60 candle could well do the trick. They also hate the scent of smoke, so blowing them out can encourage spiders to look elsewhere.

The experts have advised: "Putting candles on windowsills is probably the best option for placement as windows are a hotspot for spiders entering, you should also keep the candles out of reach from children to avoid any potential hazards."

Spiders hate the smell of smoke (Stock Photo) (
Getty Images/RooM RF)

Citrus fruits

Spiders find citrus fruits to be completely repulsive, so a spritz of squeezed lemon juice mixed with water could work wonders, and will only set you back around 30p. Arachnophobes are also encouraged to wipe orange peels on windows and doorways to put spiders off entering.

Filling in any cracks in your house

As spiders get into the home through gaps beneath doors and around windows, it's important to ensure window frames are properly sealed. Installing excluder strips at the bottoms of doors can also help. This will set you back around £3.25.

According to the experts: "Although this task requires some DIY, it is a very simple task that can be a more permanent solution than some of the other methods because it stops spiders at the source."

Turning off any outdoor lights

Bright lights don't attract spiders directly, however, they do attract flies, moths, and mosquitos, which the spiders hunt and feast upon.

With this in mind, turning off your outdoor lights, you'll be taking any the spiders' food source, and they'll be less tempted to come near. Best of all, this hack is 100% free.

Making sure to keep your house clean and tidy

Finally, keeping your house clean and tidy can help to reduce eight-legged visitors, with spiders being drawn to dark and cluttered environments. Therefore it's important to dust regularly and to get rid of any piles of boxes, a method that shouldn't set you back a single penny.

The experts said: "Cobwebs will appear if your house is left unkempt and leaving items such as food out on the counter will attract flies and other bugs into your home, attracting hungry spiders."

Do you have a spider repelling tip to share? Email us at julia.banim@reachplc.com

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