If you often hang your washing to dry outside, then you might be familiar with the annoying feeling of running out of space on your washing line, meaning you have to keep some of your clothes inside on airers and radiators.

But one woman has said her neighbours have come up with a crafty solution to their washing line problem - they just put their excess laundry on her washing line instead.

The woman explained her neighbours already have two lines of their own, but because they are a family of four, they end up with a mountain of washing that they can't fit on their existing lines.

She is sick of looking at her neighbour's laundry in her garden (stock photo) (
Getty Images)

And instead of using clothes airers to hang up the remaining clothes, the neighbours have taken to leaning over their fence and using the woman's washing line instead - even though they've never asked her for permission.

In a post on Mumsnet, she said: "My next-door neighbours keep using my washing line. They have two of their own lines which are right next to my line but within their boundaries.

"My washing line starts attached to the wall at the boundary to our properties and crosses slightly over my garden where it is attached at the other end to a concrete post on my property a metre or so inside my boundary.

"Being a family of four with a lot of washing, they often hang any extra washing that they can't fit on their line on mine."

The woman added that she rarely uses her washing line as she prefers the clothes airer method, but said she's fed up with seeing someone else's clothes blowing in the breeze in her back garden.

She explained: "I live alone and don't tend to use the line much except for when I wash towels or sheets. My clothes I usually just stick on a clothes horse and put them outside the door.

"I'm sick of looking outside and seeing their washing hanging across my garden but equally, [am I being unreasonable] if I rarely use the line myself and they need that extra bit of space for theirs?"

Commenters on the post were quick to ask the woman why she doesn't just take her washing line down if she doesn't use it, but she insists she does use it to dry bigger items like towels and bedsheets, so doesn't want the hassle of having to put it back up every time she wants to use it.

She added in another comment: "I don't think it helps that they didn't ask. It probably also doesn't help that I never get a moment's peace from their kids constantly running, screaming and jumping so they already annoy me and this is just another thing to add to the list!"

Other people on her post took her side in the debate and said it was unacceptable for her neighbours to use things that don't belong to them.

Someone wrote: "This would annoy me, too. You obviously don't want to see their clothes in your garden, and they haven't even bothered to ask. I'd see about getting one that I could take indoors when not in use. If they need more room, they can stick up another line in their own space. It's not that difficult."

As someone else added: "I wouldn't mind this occasionally (sunny day and a backlog of washing) if I was asked first. But I really would mind looking out my windows and seeing someone else's laundry flapping around my garden. Tell them not to do it and if they persist, take it down and hand it back every time."

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