To quote Rihanna: pay me what you owe me...

One man has revealed his £700 invoice for a gruelling six-hour deep clean remains unpaid - despite the customer being 'absolutely delighted' with the results. Marc Hatch, from Doncaster, is the boss of carpet and upholstery cleaning brand Clean Me, and recently spent 'half a day' steaming the sofa, stone floor, and three carpets.

However, after sending the hefty bill through WhatsApp he received a rather unusual reply telling him to "get a grip". That's when he revealed he was actually trying to charge his wife, Jasmine. The funny exchange has gone viral, with many describing the joke as "amazing".

"It took me half a day, it was hard work. I remind her of that all the time as well," he said. "That would have cost £700, she got a bargain there. We do the sofa regularly but I do a clean like that every six months.

"She was sitting next to me when I sent it. I pretended I was messaging someone else and she looked at me, started laughing straight away and replied instantly. Sometimes she'll react like that, sometimes she'll laugh, sometimes she'll blow her top if I push too far but it's always light-hearted."

But Hatch says the banter has always been part of their relationship. In fact, he says his wife "winds him up" more than he does her - and she is now 'biding her time' for payback.

"We have an ongoing joke about things that we should get paid for.," Hatch added. "If I've got the kids I'll say to her 'I'm babysitting the kids, where's my babysitting money?'. She's like 'they're your kids you don't babysit your own kids'."

Jasmine quickly told her husband to 'get a grip' (
Kennedy News and Media)
Hatch spent hours cleaning the house, but still hasn't received his £700 (
Kennedy News and Media)

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At the time of writing, the now-viral Facebook post has attracted a staggering 14,000 likes and 100s of comments. "This is amazing!" one user wrote. Another commented: "Tell her tea had better be good then." While a third added: "I was preparing to get mad until I read the whole thing."

"When I saw the message I eye-rolled and thought 'It's just typical Marc'," Jasmine said. "He usually says it to me, 'you can pay me later wink, wink' that sort of thing.

"He usually makes a joke about how he's babysitting and I have to remind him that they're his kids. Then I threaten to bill him for child care services, cooking, cleaning and organising all the birthday presents - all those types of things."

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