A man has installed a "straight to the point" sign outside his home to shame lazy dog walkers into picking up after their pets. Fed up with his neighbours leaving their dog's waste on pavements and grass verges outside his home, he has taken it upon himself to teach them a lesson.

The man made a simple homemade sign out of a cardboard box and wrote: "Clean up your dog's s***" in capital letters before drawing an arrow pointing to an example of the problem. Speaking to Reddit, he said: "I just don't understand how someone could walk their dog down the street and let it take a giant s*** right in the street In front of someone's home and/or parking spot.

He has reached his wits' end with lazy dog walkers (

"My neighbour three spots down has so much dog s*** in the yard that you can smell it by me when a breeze hits. When they cut their grass I have to close my window for a day."

Backing him up, one user commented: "F*** anyone who doesn’t clean up after their dog. But most importantly f*** those who allow their dog to s*** on the street or sidewalk."

It comes after a resident taped passive aggressive notes to lamp posts on walking routes, ordering people to "pick up your dog poop".

Sharing the notes on Reddit, user u/Mick03321 wrote: "Someone posted these passive aggressive 'pick up your dog poop' signs in my apartment complex and someone else got next level petty with them."

The top notes read similar to "pick up your dog's poo" and "clean up after your dog", while their replies state "we ain't picking up a m'fn thing" and "pick up poop blah blah blah".

Most users have condemned dog walkers who fail to clean up after their pets as well as those who go to the effort of bagging up their dog's poo just to hang the bag on a railing or throw it in a hedgerow.

One user said: "I'm having this issue right now. There are lots of dogs in my neighbourhood and I don't mind if they poop on my front garden, but someone keeps leaving it! I always clean up after my dog.

"One of these days, I'm going to spend a whole day or evening by the living room window to hopefully catch the asshole who is doing this."

Another user added: "The scumbag who is leaving dog poo around is an a***hole and should have dog poo put through his/her letter box."

A third user said: "I’ve gone and made “signs' from sticky notes and little sticks to mark each pile of poop outside my apartment and left a note on the concrete saying, “please pick up after your dogs.

"I just carried rubbish to the bin and stepped in dog poo! As you can see, this volume of poop is insane!

"Left it a few days, and then cleaned everything up. I gave them all a clean start again but they continued to not pick the poo up.

"I finally, called management. It took monetary fines to make them pick it up."

Do you have a dog story to share? Email paige.freshwater@reachplc.com.

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