A bargain hunter was shocked after finding an ornate wooden box in a charity shop as when he looked a little closer he realised it had a morbid use - and now he's confused about how it ended up for sale. TikTok user @bargainscouts shared the find with his followers on social media and soon his video went viral with over 100,000 likes.

He explained he was in a local charity shop when he found the ornate wooden box, and when he picked it up he found a stange note on the bottom. It read "Hapi Burkett, 09/06/2016", and after reading the message he realised that the box was in fact an urn, and sure enough he soon found a stranger's ashes.

What do you think about the find? Let us know in the comments...

The original video soon had over 1.7 million views, alongside a slew of comments from fellow TikTok users.

One said: "Plot twist, Hapi loved thrifting and wanted to be there for eternity."

Then another wrote: "My dog is sitting on our mantle if I found something like that I'd collapse and cry, why throw away family's ashes, keep them with you."

And a third added: "The owner probably passed and everything donated."

Meanwhile, one mum recently had a lucky find in a charity shop when she went out with her sister and the pair made an unexpected find.

The unnamed woman took to Mumsnet, to explain that she purchased a "lovely" secondhand blanket while out shopping.

She claims that she took it home and planned to wash it before using it, but when she got it out to put in the wash, she realised something was inside.

When she unwrapped it she found a wad of cash adding up to £1,000 - and she was on the fence about whether she should keep it, or return it.

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