She doesn't know what to do (stock)

'Trolls say my kid's name will get her bullied – it reminds them of creepy dolls'

MasterChef’s Gregg Wallace reveals 'common' cooking blunder that makes rice soggy

'I'm 50 and fabulous – trolls tell me to act my age but younger men love me'

'Entitled woman did something awkward on 8-hour flight – I wish I'd spoken up'

Love Island stars and TV presenters selling their clothes online - here's our top picks

The Chase star Darragh Ennis challenges players to Star Wars quiz – and it's 'tough'

Men are bragging about 'raw-dogging' flights - but it's not what it sounds like

Fairytale holiday cottage that was once a water tower

Cooking oil reduces your risk of developing heart disease, stroke and diabetes

Easy ginger shot recipe improves gut health and makes refreshing morning drink

Cleaning enthusiasts rave about pan lid hack that 'freshens up' smelly sofas

Woman's simple plaster hack shows we've all been applying them wrong for years

'I refuse to attend my friend's 'man-free' wedding – it's stupid and unfair'

Brits argue over proper name for 'numb bum' as woman confuses people with phrase

'I refused to give up my plane seat for pregnant woman on 12-hour flight for one reason'

Aldi brings back 'intriguing' crisp flavour – but shoppers are divided

'I refused to pay for my date's dinner after I realised she'd done one thing'

Woman shares why you should always check bottom of Ben & Jerry's ice cream tubs

Daily Mirror pub quiz: Test your general knowledge with these 20 tricky topics

'I'm a skincare expert – these are key ingredients you need to tackle heat rash'

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‘Prettiest’ UK village that was once the setting of a brutal witch trial

People mindblown by scale of Glastonbury festival – it's much bigger than you think

'My boyfriend ghosted me after five-year relationship – then left me cryptic message'

'Entitled neighbour keeps blocking the drive – my revenge will ruin his business'

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