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Malaria alert issued for Florida as cases confirmed for the first time in 20 years

Florida has issued a malaria alert after two cases of the disease were confirmed , marking the first instances of malaria in the state in a decade - know the symptoms

The Department of Health (US) released information on the first confirmed local case of malaria(Getty Images/iStockphoto)

The Florida Department of Health has issued a malaria alert for the state following the confirmation of two cases of the disease in Sarasota and Manatee counties.

This marks the first time malaria has been reported in Florida in over two decades.

According to a news release from the Florida Department of Health, both counties remain under a mosquito-borne illness advisory as a precautionary measure.

The department revealed that the two cases of malaria are the first to be confirmed in the state since 2003.

The initial case was identified in May when a patient, who had spent extensive time outdoors, was diagnosed with malaria.

The individual received prompt medical treatment and has since made a full recovery.

However, following the advisory issued in response to the first case, a second individual was diagnosed with malaria and is currently undergoing treatment.

People are being advised to eliminate mosquito breeding sites around their homes(Getty Images)

The Florida Department of Health has identified both cases as the P. vivax species of malaria, which is considered to be less fatal than other strains of the disease.