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Florida and Walt Disney World hurricane warning as storm moves from Gulf of Mexico

Walt Disney World along with large cities such as Miami and Tampa are set to be deluged by a developing weather pattern over the Gulf of Mexico

Weather forecasters have warned of a potential hurricane(AFP via Getty Images)

Walt Disney World and the wider state of Florida are bracing for heavy rain as a potential hurricane approaches from the Gulf of Mexico.

The Atlantic hurricane season officially begins on June 1 and as if on cue a troubling weather pattern emerged over the Gulf of Mexico.

The storm is expected to cause heavy rain, thunderstorms and strong winds that started on Wednesday and will last through the weekend.

For the next few days at least the Sunshine State will not be living up to its name.

The Atlantic hurricane season officially runs from June 1 through November 30. During this time tropical or subtropical cyclones are likely to form over the North Atlantic.

Rain forecast for Florida(FOX news)

Parts of Florida saw up to ten inches of rain last week.

The National Hurricane Centre has given the tropical disturbance a 10 per cent chance to develop into a more severe storm over the next two days and 20 per cent over the next seven days.

“Regardless of development, the system could produce heavy rainfall and gusty winds over portions of the Florida Peninsula later this week,” the NHC said.