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"Annus horribilis": Looking back in pictures at the night Windsor Castle went up in smoke

20 years to the day more than 200 firefighters battled for 12 hours to save Queen's home

20th November 1992 and fire engulfs Windsor Castle(Rex)

She may not seem like the daredevil-type, but 20 years ago today Queen Elizabeth II was helping to rescue precious paintings from a horrendous fire at Windsor Castle.

The heat of a single spotlight left too close to a curtain in the monarch’s private chapel was all it took to bring the iconic fortress to its knees.

More than 200 firefighters battled for 12 hours to fight the flames on the afternoon of November 20, 1992 - incidentally the Queen’s 45th wedding anniversary,

Despite soaking the crumbling structure in 4,500 tons of water, nine rooms were completely gutted and nearly 100 suffered significant damage, by what remains the worst blaze in the castle’s 900-year history.

Members of the Royal Family, including the Queen and Prince Andrew, were reported to have joined a ‘human chain’ tasked with saving great works of art from the wreckage.

Windsor Castle fire

Fortunately, several items had been temporarily removed just before the flames took hold, but nonetheless several treasured pieces, most notably an equestrian portrait of George III and some very expensive chandeliers, were destroyed.

The Duke of York, who was in the castle when the fire started, said the Queen was “devastated” by the tragedy. She later famously declared 1992 her “Annus Horribilus”.