A 93-year-old widow was seriously injured in a mobility scooter hit-and-run in a Wilko’s store, leading to fears she might not survive.

Pearl Carpenter had been paying for her shopping when an “out of control” electric buggy ploughed into her.

The pensioner was knocked to the ground at the Wilko in Winton, Bournemouth, “smashed” her head on the floor and suffered a fractured hip.

Following the smash the woman driving the scooter left the store before police arrived - and officers are now trying to track her down.

The widow had to be rushed to hospital, driven by a member of Wilko’s staff, after they were warned of an eight hour wait for an ambulance.

When there, Pearl had to undergo surgery for her fractured hip and leg. The former, her son said, had been smashed "to pieces".

The smash has had a 'devastating' effect on the widow's life (

Her son, Phil Carpenter, 61, said there were fears his mum might not pull through.

He added: "Mum took herself to the store, it's one of her favourite shops and the bus takes her straight there. She is starting to get a bit frail in terms of mobility, but she's very independent.

"I was told that mum was just finishing at the checkouts when this mobility scooter ploughed into her. It was out of control. Mum fell and smashed her head on the floor and smashed her hip to pieces.

"She was transferred to Poole Hospital's Trauma Unit - I don't think they thought she would come through. She ended up having surgery on her hip and femur. It illustrates how dangerous mobility scooters can be."

Phil said the incident has had a devastating effect on his mum and left her unable to go out shopping on her own.

He continued: "It's not just the life changing injuries she has sustained physically but the psychological impact it will have had too.

"I think this sort of incident happens more often than we know of, there needs to be more regulation of these vehicles. I'm hoping that the CCTV will mean we can find the culprit."

The worried son reported the smash to Dorset Police to try and hold the culprit accountable.

A spokesperson for Dorset Police said: "It is reported that on January 11, a mobility scooter collided with an elderly woman in Wilko in Wimborne Road in Bournemouth.

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"The woman sustained injuries and attended hospital for treatment. Enquiries are ongoing into the incident. No arrests have been made."

Wilko confirmed that the incident occurred in their store and praised the quick efforts of their team.

A spokesperson said: "We're proud that our team members went the extra mile to support the shopper, offering transport to the nearest hospital when an ambulance wasn't immediately available.

"We wish the customer a speedy recovery and hope they feel better soon."

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