A couple thought an earthquake had struck when a car ploughed into the front of their home in Bolton.

Helen Middleborough and Dave Scott were asleep when they woke up to their house shaking in the early hours of Saturday morning.

They thought there had been an earthquake until they looked out their window and saw a vehicle inside their front room just after midnight, reports the Manchester Evening News.

The pair watched in shock as the driver and two passengers fled down the street, leaving behind a scene of destruction.

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The wrecked vehicle after the occupants fled (
Charley Dawson-Halford/MEN Media)

The house has been so badly damaged the couple believe the whole front will have to be knocked down.

Helen, who is five-months pregnant, said: “Haven’t slept. I was shaking at first.

“The whole house has shifted. Our neighbours said it was like a bomb.

“We have a 17-month-old baby and I usually sleep downstairs.

Firefighters at the scene in the early hours of Saturday (
Charley Dawson-Halford/MEN Media)
The damage inside the property (
MEN Media)

“It could have been so much worse if next door’s car wasn’t there, it would have come through the window.”

Police and fire crews were called to help recover the vehicle from the front of the house.

A black BMW smashed through the wall of the house next door, hitting the car parked on their driveway before crashing into Helen and Dave's home.

The damage caused is not yet known, but structural engineers deemed the property safe enough to stay in - for now.

Huge cracks can be seen inside the home, with the front door being held up by a support pole.

The aftermath of the crash (
MEN Media)

A second vehicle also crashed into a neighbouring property - causing significant damage to a wall before coming to a stop in the garden next door..

It is not believed anyone was injured in the incident.

Dave Scott, 32, a transport planner, added: “I looked out the bedroom window and saw the car, the bonnet was in the window.

“I saw the driver get out and run, the guy was in the back, he looked dazed and ran off.

“We shot out of bed, Helen thought it was an earthquake.

The couple have been told their house is still structurally sound (
MEN Media)
The front of the house 'needs ripping off', says Dave (
MEN Media)

“The police, fire and structural engineer came out. We had to evacuate originally because they turned off all the gas and electricity.

“The house has moved that much the front needs ripping off.

“We’re hoping the insurance will put us up in a hotel.

“As far as we know, the police haven’t found anyone. They were nice, new cars.

“I felt anger. Our neighbours were our chasing them up the street.”