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Villagers hunt mime artist who fled garden fete with charity cash

The mime artist asked villagers in Forest of Dean to donate £1 to try and unmask him and offered a £100 prize for the winner

Villagers are hunting a mime artist who raised funds at a charity fete before fleeing with the cash(Woolaston Memorial Hall / SWNS)

Villagers are hunting a mime artist who raised money for charity at a local fete and then fled with the cash.

The mime is believed to have raised hundreds at the at the Woolaston Carnival in the Forest of Dean, Gloucestershire.

The mystery suspect wandered around the packed event in a full body morph suit - communicating only in mime.

He asked villagers to donate £1 to try and unmask him and offered a £100 prize if they identified him correctly.

He even handed out an entry form where he wrote: "Is it a bird, is it a plane. No it's Woolaston's Mystery Man" - with space for people to leave contact details and guesses.

Revellers assumed he was a local resident raising cash for the hall fund and many paid a pound - and even posed for selfies.

The mime even posed for pictures with locals(Donna Haywood /SWNS.COM)


His identity remained a secret throughout the day- but within hours of him raising an estimated several hundred pounds he is now feared to have fled with the proceeds.

Villagers say they still don't know if they have been duped or are victims of a bad joke by the man who hid his face and communicated with everyone only by mime.