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'Stop selling weapons to Israel and end this sickening slaughter'

Why did it take the killing of three of our own for Rishi Sunak to register his disgust with Benjamin Netanyahu?

Families in Gaza are being torn apart

Six months ago tomorrow we woke up to images on our TV screens of such horrific brutality that few who watched will ever forget.

The contempt for human life shown by Hamas terrorists as they went on a killing spree in southern Israel was as chilling as it was barbaric.

The world expected that the Israeli military machine would wreak a vicious revenge for the slaughter of 1,200 innocents, the capture of 240 hostages and the committing of many unspeakable atrocities.

Most politicians in Britain and the USA called it their right to self-defence.

And even when Israel’s response went way past that, with tens of thousands of Palestinian women and children slaughtered, millions of Gazans forced into tents miles from their home, aid trucks halted, hunger rampant and the Strip reduced to rubble, still they held the line about a right to self-defence.

Until this week, when seven aid workers, three of them British, who had coordinated their movements with the Israeli military, were killed by missiles. Suddenly Rishi Sunak said he was “appalled” and that Israel’s conduct was becoming “increasingly intolerable”. Joe Biden claimed to be “outraged and heartbroken”.

A billow of smoke rises over buildings after an Israeli strike in Rafah, southern Gaza Strip, on April 4(AFP via Getty Images)

Well, what took them so long to express the anger and repulsion that the majority of their citizens have been feeling for many months? Or rather, in Britain’s case, why did it take the killing of three of our own to finally register our disgust with Benjamin Netanyahu? What about the other 196 aid workers, scores of medical staff and journalists and 33,000 Gazans, mostly women and children, killed since October 8?

Was that not appalling and heartbreaking?