A Russian nuclear submarine spotted off the coast of the UK has sparked an emergency meeting.

The sighting comes in the wake of President Vladimir Putin's promise to "punish" the West for funding Ukraine with long-term missiles and a generous £40 billion loan using frozen Russian assets. An RAF Poseidon P8 anti-submarine aircraft detected the Yasen-class state-of-the-art submarine, Kazan, on June 5 by deploying sonar buoys able to pinpoint subsurface movements deep below sea.

The submarine was monitored by an RAF maritime reconnaissance aircraft as it embarked on its journey along Ireland's west coast towards Scotland, dangerously encroaching near Faslane, the UK's naval nuclear haven. NATO leaders harboured concerns that the considerably hefty 13,800-tonne vessel lingering ominously might be probing for weak points in NATO's perimeter.

A Russian nuclear submarine was spotted off the coast of the UK (
Oleg Kuleshov/east2west news)

Following the discovery of the Russian vessel's position, the details were swiftly relayed to Northwood's Permanent Joint Headquarters. Both the Prime Minister and the Defence Secretary were duly notified. The anticipated manoeuvre of Kazan involved a venture to Venezuela before docking in Guyana, a member of the Commonwealth.

The recent placement of the Royal Navy patrol ship HMS Trent is perceived as a demonstration of resistance against escalating border confrontation perpetrated by Russia-backed Venezuela, reports the Express. Putin has responded vehemently to American Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS) rockets being supplied to Ukraine as well as the loan.

A Yasen-class submarine was spotted with sonar (
Oleg Kuleshov/east2west news)

Julianne Smith, the US ambassador to NATO, indicated last week during a briefing that the policy preventing ATACMS from targeting mainland Russia could potentially undergo revision. She stated: "We will continue to assess and adapt to Ukraine's ever-evolving needs." On Friday, G7 members agreed to a £40billion loan, financed by interest from frozen Russian assets in the West.

Approximately £240billion of Russia's central bank assets were frozen as part of Western sanctions following the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine. Insiders reveal that the deal was made to ensure Ukraine had sufficient funds if US Congress stalled aid under a potential Donald Trump presidency again. US President Joe Biden also inked a 10-year security pact with Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelensky.

The Russian submarine sighting comes as an expert warns there is a plan to destroy the UK (
Oleg Kuleshov/east2west news)

Justin Crump, from the Sibylline strategic risk group, noted: "It is important to note that it isn't Russian funds, but rather the interest accrued from them, which will guarantee the £40billion loan to Ukraine. The UK's position is that all the money belongs to Russia and, as such, cannot be touched. However, it may prove useful leverage when it comes to peace talks," he added.

It comes as a Moscow military expert claims Russia would carry out "Operation Unthinkable" and wipe the UK out in just one day. Dr Yuri Baranchik outlined the plan and warned the UK's nuclear weapons could be destroyed. He said: "Its [Britain’s] entire nuclear potential, since 1998, has been a group of four Vanguard-class SSBNs [nuclear power submarines carrying atomic missiles] based in Faslane, Scotland.

The Russian submarine was caught out by the RAF (
Oleg Kuleshov/east2west news)

"One or two underwater boats are on alert….between Greenland, Iceland and Britain, and one or two are in port for repairs and replenishment. I will not talk about options for destroying these four submarines, as well as the Royal Naval Armament Depot, located three kilometres west of the Faslane base, which stores nuclear warheads not loaded into [the submarines]."

Expert Baranchik also warned the first steps of Russia attacking the UK would come through a warning sent to NATO. He warned an "ultimatum would be issued to the United States, NATO and the European Union to cease within 24 hours military and financial support for Kyiv and the implementation of Russian proposals for the European security system.

"The dilemma can be solved simply - we destroy the nuclear potential of Britain and France and give the European Union an ultimatum, since the United States will not agree to exchange strategic nuclear weapons strikes with Russia. This must be done at the time of shift change in the White House."