A premature baby was smaller than a TV remote when he was born in lockdown at 23 weeks and given only a three per cent chance of survival.

Oliver-Cash Lowther-Ryan weighed just 1lb 3oz and was only 7ins long when he was delivered on the third day of the coronavirus shutdown in March.

Now aged 12 weeks, he is winning his battle for life after an epic struggle that saw him being treated by medics at three different hospitals.

And his proud parents, Ethan and Frances, from Walderslade, Kent, have finally been allowed to hold him for the first time months after doctors told them that he likely wouldn't survive.

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Oliver-Cash was smaller than a TV remote when he was born in lockdown (
South Coast News)

Dubbed "Rocky" for his fight for survival, Oliver, who was born breach, has suffered two perforated bowel operations, had 11 blood transfusions, had two bleeds on the lungs, one bleed on the brain, three collapsed lung incidents and heart problems.

He is finally out of danger and his parents are breathing a huge sigh of relief.

His mother Frances, 24, had to wait nine weeks before she could hold her son for the very first time.

She said: "It was so, so difficult not being able to hold him but the moment I was allowed was the most incredible moment of my life. Words can't really describe it. It was just amazing to be able to touch and hold after so long.

Parents Frances and Ethan with their son Oliver in hospital (
South Coast News)
The parents had to wait more than two months before they could cuddle their son (
South Coast News)

"I'd looked forward to it for so long I didn't know what to expect but it was the most amazing thing, just totally amazing. I've never experienced anything like it.

"The emotions I felt were so overwhelming. I felt like crying but I was also completely overjoyed.

"The second time I held him I was able to cuddle him skin to skin and the doctors were amazed by his response because he was so calm.

"It was such a positive experience for him and for me and I felt like I was finally bonding properly with him.

"Now when I go over to London to see him I can hold him each time and he loves it.

"Not being able to hold him for the first nine weeks was torture but now it is incredible."

Ethan said: "Because only one of us was allowed into the hospital on each visit I had to wait until the following week.

"I bought a new shirt so that I could easily put him on my chest to do skin to skin and it was an emotional moment.

Oliver-Cash weighed just 1lb 3oz and was only 7ins long when he was born (
South Coast News)
The infant has been treated by medics at three different hospitals (
South Coast News)

"He was so warm, like a tiny cooked chicken, and the wave of love for him I felt at that moment was amazing.

"He was really relaxed and the doctors could see he was really enjoying it.

"I spent two hours that day just holding him to me and it is a time I will never forget. It was amazing."

It is now 12 weeks since Oliver was born but he was not due until July 23.

Oliver has been nicknamed 'Rocky" due to his fight for survival (
South Coast News)

The couple say Oliver was on three different types of ventilator and had syringe drivers to administer drugs.

At one point he had a cannula in each of his two arms and two legs and an extra cannula had to be inserted into his forehead because there wasn't enough room left.

Ethan, 29, a learning difficulty support team leader, and Frances, a Costa barrista, are so thankful to medics who saw their tiny son through his darkest days.

Ethan said: "He is an amazing fighter and he's got the nickname of Rocky because he won't stay down. We're so proud of him to have come through all the challenges he has faced so far.

"We have twice been taken into a room by the doctors and told to prepare for the worst.

"Each time they said the chances of him surviving surgery were extremely slim and he might not make it.

"Each time we have faced up to the fact he could die but each time he has managed to pull through and, with the help of the most amazing hospital staff, he is still fighting."

Frances added: "Whilst I was in labour a doctor told me that he only had a three percent chance of survival."

Oliver has suffered three collapsed lung incidents and heart problems (
South Coast News)

Problems began during Frances' pregnancy when she began to suffer a bulge in her waters.

She was admitted at 22 weeks and four days pregnant to Medway Hospital in Kent where she was told to rest.

Doctors told the couple that the chances of their baby surviving if he was born were tiny.

Frances said: "The doctors put me on a bed at an angle so that my legs were higher than my head to let gravity do its work to keep Oliver in as long as possible."

Oliver was born at 23 weeks, and had a due date of July 23 (
South Coast News)

Ethan said: "They said he wasn't 'viable' which is a horrible, horrible word but we knew what they meant.

"The doctors were hoping he would stay in the womb until he had developed further as we knew it would be touch and go."

They gave Frances drugs to help speed the development of the baby's lungs and heart but just two days later she went into labour with her mum, Natasha, by her side.

After a traumatic labour their son was breach born weighing just 610 grams on March 26 - just three days into lockdown.

Ethan said: "He was born breach and was really, really small but he gave a little cry and doctors knew he was in with a chance."

He was transferred to an incubator in the neo-natal unit and hooked up to drips to try to stabilise his blood pressure.

Initially he seemed to be holding his own but around 11 days after his birth he deteriorated rapidly.

He was diagnosed with a perforated bowel and he was rushed to hospital in Brighton in an ambulance under flashing blue lights.

Oliver was given only a three per cent chance of survival (
South Coast News)

Once there, doctors told the couple they would have to operate but that the chances of Oliver-Cash surviving were extremely slim.

Ethan said: "They told us to prepare for the worst because the chances of him surviving the surgery with just a small percentage.

"He has five centimetres of bowel removed and luckily he pulled through and fought to survive."

However he was also treated for a collapsed lung and then had complications with his bowel.

Oliver has had five centimetres of bowel removed from his body (
South Coast News)

He is mow off a ventilator has put on weight and has risen from is birth weight of 1lb 3oz to almost 3lbs.

Ethan said: "He's definitely grown and he continues to make good progress as we have so much love for him."

Dr Ryan Watkins, Consultant Neonatologist at Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust, said: "Babies born at such a young age face a difficult start in life and I am so proud of the expert care our teams provide.

"It's always a difficult time for parents and especially those who are a long way from home. For each family, we've made sure both parents can visit safely, are able to stay for longer and our nursing team shares regular pictures and video of their baby's progress."

Caroline Lee-Davey, Chief Executive at the premature and sick baby charity Bliss said: "Our thoughts are with Oliver-Cash (Rocky), Ethan, Frances and all families with a baby in neonatal care during lockdown.

"It's never easy to have a newborn baby in hospital, but we are hearing some heart-breaking stories from families who are separated from their sick or premature baby due to Covid-19.

"It's particularly painful for parents to have limited access to their baby, especially when they are very sick like Oliver-Cash has been.

"It is very important that hospital trusts remember that parents like Ethan and Frances are not visitors.

"Babies have the best outcomes when their parents are able to be actively involved in their care.

"As much as possible, hospitals should allow access to both parents and should not routinely restrict the number of hours a parent can be with their baby.

"Bliss is also campaigning for the Government to provide urgent financial support to parents so they are able to make the most of every opportunity to be with their baby."

Tiny Oliver-Cash is still being treated at St Thomas' Hospital in London and Ethan and Frances will continue to make the regular journeys to provide support for their tiny little fighter.

The family are raising money to help support them to travel to see Oliver-Cash in hospital, a 100-mile round trip from their home.

To donate, visit their GoFundMe page.