Scotland Yard has been probing claims it was the source of a leak that led to Cliff Richard being named as a suspected paedophile.

The force said it has found no evidence to support the “damaging” and “unfounded” allegation that it was to blame for the confidential information being passed to a BBC journalist.

The High Court heard on Wednesday that a senior Met officer may be questioned over the claims as part of a legal action taken by Sir Cliff against the Corporation and South Yorkshire Police .

The 76-year-old star is suing claiming they struck a deal to broadcast a raid at his home by SYP detectives investigating allegations of historical child sex abuse.

His lawyers claim the BBC became aware of the story because of a leak from Operation Yewtree, the Yard investigation set up in the wake of the Jimmy Savile scandal.

Scotland Yard, which began the leak investigation in August 2014, said in a statement: “To date, the Metropolitan Police Service has found no evidence to substantiate the damaging and, we believe, unfounded, allegation that Operation Yewtree was the source of leaked information to the BBC regarding South Yorkshire Police’s investigation.”

Media presence outside the Charters Estate in Sunningdale, where Sir Cliff Richard has an apartment (

It said the force’s anti-corruption command, the Department of Professional Standards, has established that there are “other people outside of policing” who were also aware of the investigation.

The statement continued: “Any suggestion or speculation that the MPS may have been responsible for the leak of information to the BBC about such a sensitive and live investigation causes us grave concern.”

The Met had worked to “build trust amongst the victims of abuse, giving many of them the confidence to speak out and report offences”, it added.

Operation Yewtree had handled a large amount of information over two years that is “high profile, sensitive and newsworthy” none of which had been leaked, it concluded.

The strongly worded statement puts the force directly at odds with Sir Cliff after the star’s lawyers yesterday told the High Court that they believe it was the source of the leak to BBC reporter Dan Johnson.

The BBC were tipped off about the raid on Sir Cliff's home (

Justin Rushbrooke QC, for the veteran singer, said: “It is the Claimant’s case that....Mr Johnson’s source was indeed within Operation Yewtree (or at least someone who had got his information from Operation Yewtree)”.

Mr Rushbrooke added that it “seriously cannot be disputed” that the story came from a source from the operation who was providing information to Mr Johnson “surreptitiously, in serious breach of confidentiality..and quite possibly in breach of the criminal law”.

He added: “Putting it shortly, the entire story would have been ‘fruit of the poisoned tree’, and far from there being any public interest in the dissemination of the information, there would have been a strong public interest against it.”

SYP have claimed that Mr Johnson told them in July 2014 that he had been given details of the case by a source from Yewtree and threatened to run the story if they did not co-operate.

Mr Rushbrooke said: “South Yorkshire Police’s case is that they were effectively strong-armed into co-operating.

“The BBC say not so. All (Mr Johnson) did was to say he knew that (Sir Cliff) was being investigated by South Yorkshire Police.”

Sir Cliff was never charged and the allegations were dropped last year (
Getty Images)

The case had been handed to SYP after a man first made allegations to the Met.

Gavin Millar QC for the BBC said journalists were “under an ethical duty to protect confidential sources”. The singer was not at yesterday’s preliminary hearing.

The two sides will return in May when a Met police officer may be called to give evidence.

The court heard the BBC might be left to pick up lawyers’ bills of around £70,000, for yesterday’s hearing alone, if they lose the preliminary legal fight.

Mr Millar said: “We were startled a little to see that costs summaries ...

were £22,000 on our part and nearly £50,000 on the other side.”

Rules normally mean that losers have to pick up the legal bill for both sides.

The latest total estimate for the Sir Cliff’s legal bill is more than £1million.

Sir Cliff was never charged over the allegations which were dropped by the Crown Prosecution Service last year.