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Mum-of-six fears for safety after yob sprays 'pedo' on their family home

A car parked outside Kira Marriot's Stoke-on-Trent house had the word 'nonce' painted on it during the mystery attack

The 33-year-old was shaken by what she found - and says she is worried for her safety

A worried mum fears for her safety after an illiterate vandal plastered the word 'pedo' on her home six times.

The mystery attack happened at Kira Marriott's Stoke-on-Trent home with her neighbours' car also targetted.

The mum-of-six, 33, has told of her horror after waking up to discover what had happened overnight, report the StokeSentinel .

She says the vile graffiti put her and her husband Lee at risk and quickly reported the crime on Friday.

Neighbours rallied round as Kira spent hours desperately trying to scrub off the obscene words before a kind-hearted man with industrial strength paint stripper came to the rescue.

Now Kira has spoken out to try to help Staffordshire Police catch the yob and stop anyone else going through a similar ordeal.

Kira Marriott is angry and concerned following the attack on her home

Kira was at asleep at home with Lee, aged 38, and her toddlers Keanu and Harrison and Tori-Leigh, three, Riley, seven, Lexi, eight; and 15-year-old Zak.

She said: "My neighbour rang me up on Saturday morning and asked if I'd been outside. As soon as I'd seen what they'd done I broke down in tears. I was horrified.