People have been having their minds blown after discovering a secret security feature common to all driving licences.

A licence card contains all kinds of information about who you are and what vehicle you can drive but there is a hidden fun feature that is going viral on TikTok.

On a clip posted by Matthew Larino there is a message the reads: "So apparently if you shine a light on your licence some type of anima l will show through..."

Then a licence is shown held up to a light, showing the shape of a fish, made up of light shining through tiny holes in the card.

The video shows a stunned Matthew saying “Get outta town,” before running to get his own drivers licence.

Some states have fish, others whales and bears (

Once he holds his card up to the light, sure enough, you can see the dotted shape of a bear shining through the plastic.

The comments exploded with others finding their own secret animals.

"Yes I had to try it. Connecticut," wrote one commenter, including their licence with a picture of a whale made out of tiny perforations.

"A buffalo!!! In Oklahoma!" said another excited viewer.

The comments on the video were full of people who had tried it themselves (

“Mine has a turtle, this is the happiest I’ve been in weeks,” said another excited comment.

But not all licences have animals, some show a symbol representing that state, or a national tree or flower and some even have an outline of the state itself.

Several include the state's national tree or flower, or just a symbol representing the state.

For example, Nebraska licences have a cornhusk, while New Mexico features the Zia sun symbol.

According to the National Notary, these distinct images are used as a security feature and are made during the production of the IDs.

The site also noted that: "These images are usually representative of the issuing jurisdiction."

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