A pensioner who has never had a licence has been slapped with a whopping £23,000 in driving fines.

Barry, a 73-year-old man from Birmingham, claims he has been delivered over 200 parking and clean air zone penalties over the last two years - despite not being on the road since he ditched his motorbike over 50 years ago.

He is thought to be one of many victims of car registration fraud, where someone registers a vehicle to an address that does not belong to them. This means any parking fines or driving offences that are accrued by the driver are sent to the wrong address.

Barry, who uses public transport to get around in his day-to-day life, told BBC Midlands Today that the letters from Birmingham City Council and later appearance of debt collectors had caused him "inner turmoil", adding: "It's not something I want to live my life waiting for." The council said the issue had been sent to their parking services team for further investigation. The DVLA said no cars had ever been registered to Barry's address.

Birmingham City Council told the Mirror: “We can confirm that the original parking fines and penalty charge notices were issued to the registered keeper on the DVLA’s database at the time the contraventions took place. Following a representation from the registered keeper of these vehicles subsequent correspondence was issued to Mr Toon’s address. This case has been escalated with the council’s parking services team for further investigation.

“The council follows the statutory enforcement process for the issuing and enforcement of penalty charge notices. Penalty charge notices are sent to the address of a registered keeper of a vehicle, based on the information held by the DVLA at the point it is issued.”

It comes as another man from Birmingham also spoke of his woes with parking fines being sent to him. Over 100 notices from across he country including parking charges, speeding fines, car rental charges and Dartford Crossing tolls have been wrongly delivered to the home of NHS admin worker Rob Richards, who described them as "annoying" and a "nuisance". He told the BBC: "If these companies put as much effort as chasing me into resolving the issues, it would be sorted in a few days."