A pub landlady who fraudulently claimed £60,000 in benefits over the course of almost five years walked free from court.

Sandra McBride. 47, took the money in working tax credit and child tax credit and failed to tell the authorities that her husband had moved back into the marital home.

The mum-of-four from Moreton, Wirral, was described as having "buried her head in the sand" after swindling the cash.

McBride informed Wirral Council in March 2014 that her partner Colin was no longer living at their address on Sedgefield Close, Liverpool Crown Court heard today.

The couple reconciled a "short period" later but she failed to report this with Mr McBride being in full-time employment, the Liverpool Echo reports.

Between December 2014 and April 2019, the now proprietor of the Greenland Fishery Hotel in Neston claimed a total of £62,874.06 which she was not entitled to.

Sandra McBride, 47, stole the money in working tax credit and child tax credit, Liverpool Crown Court heard (
Liverpool Echo)

McBride, who has no previous convictions, has only paid back £710 so far.

Matthew O'Neill, defending, said: "The defendant accepts that she had been living with her husband for some time and they broke up for a short period of time. That's when the fraud in fact started.

"It was a simple case of her burying her head in the sand, albeit for a very lengthy period of time. The issue today for the court is whether any custodial sentence can be suspended or not.

"A prison sentence would in my submission have a detrimental effect on others, that being her youngest daughter. She plays a more prominent role in the relationship as opposed to the father, who is out working on a daily basis.

"It's been a very difficult and embarrassing time for Ms McBride. It has caused her a great deal of anxiety and stress knowing that ultimately she would be before the court for a very serious offence, one which carries an immediate custodial sentence."

McBride admitted benefit fraud and cheating the public revenue during an earlier hearing and was handed an eight-month imprisonment suspended for a year.

She must also complete 250 hours of unpaid work and pay a victim surcharge.

Sentencing, Judge Gary Woodhall said: "You were under a duty to notify the authorities when circumstances changed. You were quick to do that when circumstances changed in your favour, but you did not notify them of this change.

"In around four years and eight months, you received a total of £62,874.06 which you were not entitled to. To date, only £710 of these tens of thousands of pounds have been repaid.

"That's money taken from the public purse, which those who pay taxes fund. References speak highly positively about your character and the support given for others. You are described as showing regret and remorse. It is not suggested that you have lived an extravagant lifestyle and you continue to have debts.

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