An ex-Royal Marine said he was "almost murdered" when his home was torched twice as his family slept inside after he bravely called out anti-social behaviour.

Sean Ivery was left devastated after the family home, car and caravan were set alight in a suspected arson attack in Wingate, County Durham on March 18.

The 38-year-old teacher was sleeping inside his bungalow with this wife Kate and their two children when he woke to find flames surrounding his home, reports ChronicleLive.

He said: "I shouted at my wife to get out of bed and take the kids out the house.

"Then I just ran out and grabbed the hose pipe to suppress the fire. I was trying to do anything to put it out."

Sean posted a video of the blaze online

His car and caravan was set alight but then spread to his home which was not insured because he had forgotten to renew the policy.

Sean who grew up in Wingate and returned after serving in the Marines, said his home had been targeted because he had spoken out after a series of yobbish incidents in the former pit village.

Sean Ivey outside his fire damaged house on Taylor Grove in Wingate, County Durham (
Newcastle Chronicle)
Police at the scene on Friday morning (
North News & Pictures Ltd

He said: "It's absolutely devastating because I live in a lovely street surrounded by wonderful neighbours who aren't just neighbours they're close friends.

"My whole property's been set on fire and we've got nothing."

Two men have been arrested on suspicion of arson by Durham Police.

The force confirmed a second blaze at the property at around 1am on Friday was also being treated as arson.

In a Facebook post after the initial fire, Sean wrote: "We're good standing members of the community and now, because I spoke out against anti social behaviour my 5 year old boy, 7 year old girl, wife and myself were almost murdered whilst asleep.

"I want people to know that not enough is being done to curb anti social behaviour.

"People are not being held accountable or responsible.

"Help me to help you and everyone else who are becoming victims of the poison that lives in our local communities."

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On Wednesday, hours before the arson attack, Sean posted on social media that his parents had been robbed when four men burst into their home.

He also said he had a run-in at the weekend with a young biker "riding like a lunatic" and saw another in the main street of the former mining village pulling wheelies and mounting the paths.

He called out groups of "young lads" seen riding quad bikes, and gangs gathering outside a local takeaway.

He wrote: "Something really has to change!!!

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"I don't know how and I do not know what we can do but I think it's time that the people, the good people of our communities, got together and come up with some ideas to hopefully get rid of these thugs and clean up our streets."

An online fundraiser to support the family raised over £12,000 within 24 hours after hundreds donated to the cause.

Sean said he hopes the horrific incident will be a turning point in the fight against anti-social behaviour.

He said: "I really want to publicise what's happened. I want people to stand together and fight this off.

"I'm reading through the messages and the impact it's had on people, and I'm sat in tears.

Two people have been arrested in connection with the incident

"My wife is afraid. She's afraid of what's going to happen in the future. We live in a village we've lived in all our lives, we love where we live and it's such a crying shame.

"I hope people can come together and let this be a catalyst for change.

"I'm not looking for gratification, I just want things to change. I don't want my kids growing up in an area not feeling safe.

"I don't want people being afraid to walk around certain parts of the village because they're going to be abused. It's absolutely shocking."

The damage to the house and caravan

Durham Police said a dispersal order will be put in place over the weekend meaning anyone failing to leave the area when asked will face arrest.

Inspector Emma Kay said: "“Thankfully no-one was injured in this incident, but the fire caused significant damage.

“We are urging those living in the community to come forward with any information they may have.

“I would like to reassure residents that extra officers will be patrolling the area and I would urge anyone who sees them to speak to them.”

Anyone with information should call 101.