An escort worker who arranged for a teenager to sleep with 17 men in a day to pay back a £100 debt has kept her freedom.

Tyler-Jo Walker told the 16-year-old she would have to have sex with multiple strangers to pay back what she owed and left her feeling that she "couldn't say no".

Newcastle Crown Court heard over a period of around two weeks, the teenager had sex with over 30 men, at a rate of around £80 per half an hour.

Walker took £700 of the earnings and teen kept around £3,000.

The court heard Walker was employed by Premier Escorts, where she used the name 'Georgie', when she befriended the vulnerable youth in a park and they started chatting over Instagram.

The teen, who Walker loaned her driving licence to so she could go out drinking, visited an apartment block in Sunderland to see her.

Walker, for "no reason" paid £47 for a taxi for the teen's taxi journey there.

Prosecutor Sue Hirst told the court: "When she arrived Tyler-Jo Walker answered the door wearing only her underwear.

"When she asked her what she was doing, the defendant told her she was an escort."

Walker has avoided jail despite coercing the teenager into prostitution (
North News & Pictures Ltd

The court heard the teen was "shocked" but stayed at the apartment with Walker, who soon told her she now owed her £100 for the taxi and other items.

Miss Hirst added: "When she asked for the money back, the complainant told her she received her benefits on Thursday.

"The defendant wasn't willing to wait.

"Events took a more sinister turn and the defendant told her she would have to have sex with men to pay the money she owed.

"She described to police feeling she couldn't say no because the defendant was so determined this would have to happen."

The court heard Walker made the teen pose in her underwear so she could take photographs and put her forward as a potential worker at the escort agency, saying she was 18.

Within days it was arranged for a man to visit the apartment in Sunderland.

Miss Hirst said: "The defendant said to her 'the first person is here' and a man walked into the room.

"The complainant was so shocked so ran into the bathroom and told the defendant she wouldn't do it.

Walker replied 'you are going to have to, how else are you going to make this money'."

Miss Hirst added: "The defendant led her upstairs. The defendant spoke to the man, asking how long he would be there and he replied half an hour. She said it would cost £80."

Tyler-Jo Walker, who has received a suspended sentence at Newcastle Crown Court after she arranged for a teenager to sleep with up to 19 men in a day to pay back a £100 debt (
North News & Pictures Ltd
Escort worker Tyler-Jo Walker, who has received a suspended sentence at Newcastle Crown Court (
North News & Pictures Ltd

The court heard when the man left Walker took the money from the teenager, who went for a shower.

But Miss Hirst added: "She was shocked to discover the defendant had arranged for another man to have sex with her that day.

"A second man arrived and had the same thing happened, he had sex with her and paid £80.

"The complainant describes being distraught and speechless. Her response was 'it's simple, you will get used to it'.

"On that day she had sex with seven different men."

The court heard the teenager was also taken to a flat in Jesmond, Newcastle, and hotels in the city where she would have sex with men.

On one day she had sex with 12 of her own "clients", "one after another", followed by another four to five men assigned to Walker, who "didn't feel well" enough to see them herself.

Walker, 23, of no fixed address, admitted causing or inciting prostitution for gain.

Judge Robert Spragg said the offence had a "significant impact" on the teen and added: "She has found it difficult to get on with her life as she often finds herself thinking about it, is embarrassed about it and no doubt it will have a long lasting affect on a girl who was already troubled."

The court heard Walker has mental health problems and post traumatic stress disorder as a result of abusive past relationships.

Judge Spragg said her mental health difficulties reduced but did not extinguish her culpability for the offence.

Walker was sentenced to 16 months imprisonment, suspended for two years, with rehabilitation requirements and 120 hours unpaid work.

The judge said help and intervention will help Walker "get away" from the sex industry.

Penny Hall, defending, said Walker has been in no trouble since the offences, which were some time ago and has suffered bereavements and been through "difficult times".

Miss Hall said Walker did not know the teenager was only 16 and added: "Her view was she was helping a friend who wanted to do the same work."