eA British woman has been jailed after she went on a drunken rampage on a holiday jet asking men to join her "mile-high club." 

Demi Burton claimed she had been drinking so heavily on the flight between Abu Dhabi and Manchester because she had a fear of flying.

A court heard she got so intoxicated on red wine during the eight-hour flight home, she propositioned male passengers and kicked, bit and headbutted crew as the Etihad plane cruised at 30,000 feet.

The 20-year-old shocked two men by making crude comments about them having mid-air sex during her four-hour blow-out.

Demi Burton at Minshull Crown Court (
Cavendish Press (Manchesster) Ltd)

She has been jailed for six months after she admitted being drunk on an aircraft and five charges of assault.

The Greater Manchester woman began her rampage shortly after flight EY21 had taken off from the United Arab Emirates on May 9, 2019.

Minshull Street Crown Court heard when she was refused any more alcohol, she reacted with fury.

She shouted: "You may as well just land the plane now then!" before angrily raising her fists at cabin crew and going berserk as 259 passengers looked on.

The airline's staff tried to calm Burton down only for her to head butt maul and and kick out at them during a violent struggle.

The court heard she claimed she got so drunk to ease her fear of flying (
Cavendish Press (Manchesster) Ltd)

It took six crew members and passengers to restrain her and she was arrested when the plane touched down after a nightmare 4,500-mile journey.

A consultant anaesthetist travelling on the flight who was bitten on the elbow and head-butted as he helped restrain Burton claimed it was worse than working in A&E.

One stewardess was bitten on the forearm and was head-butted around the chin.

Other passengers where kicked to the ribs and face and head-butted to the cheek, which left bruising.

Burton, from Carrington, near Manchester, had been travelling home from a three-month trip to Australia where she had been visiting family.

She claimed she had been drinking as she had a fear of flying.

Prosecuting Miss Claire Brocklebank, said: "It appears she was drunk before getting on the flight and she started making a number of inappropriate sexual comments to a number of male passengers on the flight.

Her behaviour caused a ruckus on the Emirates flight to Manchester (
Cavendish Press (Manchester) Ltd)

"Two in particular remember hearing comments and at first they laughed it off but it then became more and more increasingly inappropriate and she asked them to join the mile high club.

"Both tried to end conversation with her but she carried on. One said he felt quite shocked by her comments and people around her started to ask her to be quiet as others could hear.

"She shouted to one "shut up, you specky four eyed bas***d" and other abusive comments and swore at other passengers. One passenger who was a doctor had his children with him and it was very distressing and inappropriate.

"He spoke to one of the crew members and asked her to consider not serving anymore alcohol to this defendant.

"The defendant then approached and asked for two red wines and she was refused. But she approached another crew member who hadn't received the message and so she was given the wine.

"Ten minutes later was asking for more and was shouting and the decision was made it would not be appropriate to allow this particular passenger anymore alcohol.

"She again approached and asked them directly for alcohol and said that she hadn't drunk anything only needed it otherwise would suffer panic attacks.

"But when she was informed about the decision, she started demanding to speak to the pilot and said 'you may as well just land the plane now then.'

She was jailed for being drunk on an aircraft and assault (
Cavendish Press (Manchester) Ltd)

"Attempts were made to calm her down but she got up from her seat and in the direction of one of the crew members raised her fists towards her in a threatening manner.

"The decision was made here to physically restrain her but they had to be assisted by as many as six passengers to help restrain her by holding her down.

"A number of passengers where moved to other seats and throughout the time they were trying to restrain her, the defendant was struggling, shouting and screaming and it was only after several minutes that it was possible to place the plastic restraints on her wrists to her seat.

"Throughout she was kicking and struggling and at one point kicked out hitting the TV.

"She [was] head-butting and trying to bite other passengers that had restrained her and accused other passengers of being racist. One person recalls hearing her call the cabin manager an ugly, c**t b**ch.

"She carried on being difficult and abusive for a number of hours some say up to four hours and some say up to one hour until she tired herself out.

"Another passenger who happened to be a prison warden had a word and it seemed to have an effect on calming her down."

Burton initially denied any wrongdoing.

Burton bit and head-butted other passengers and crew (
Cavendish Press (Manchester) Ltd)

Defence lawyer, Martin Callery, said: "She is thoroughly ashamed of herself and because she is remorseful, she is utterly embarrassed at the way she behaved. It is completely out of character as far as she is concerned.

"She went to Australia to get away from her family who have behaved towards her from her early years in a very controlling and very abusive way.

"She thought it was right fly back but was apprehensive about the arrival home and apprehensive about flying itself and had more to drink then was appropriate."

The case was heard at Minshull Crown Court in Manchester (
MEN Media)

He asked the judge to spare his client from an immediate jail sentence.

"She is 20 years old and you only need imagine the trepidation and feelings at the prospect of going to prison."

But sentencing Burton, Judge John Edwards said: "Good order on any flight - in particular a long distance one - is essential and those who undermine that put that at risk by behaving in such crass way. I'm afraid you have to be dealt with in a way that might deter others.

"While you didn't do anything actively to endanger the aircraft it was in the air at the time, a person behaving in that manner would have at the very least created the possibility of endangerment of the plane for its 259 passengers including, young families.

"Your behaviour was unpleasant, violent and persistent over a lengthy period. So that a doctor, an anaesthetist by profession remarks in all his dealings in A&E had not witnessed such aggressive behaviour before.

"The matter is too serious to be dealt in any other way other than immediate custody."