Drivers could be allowed to travel at higher speeds through motorway roadworks – depending on the day of the week.

Speed limits could be increased from 50mph to 60mph when workers are less active, Highways England said.

It could mean limits are raised on Sundays.

Highways England said its plans were aimed at reducing drivers’ frustrations with roadworks.

Varying speed limits could also be used within a set of roadworks, meaning higher speeds when vehicles are further away from road workers.

Speed limits of 50mph are common when narrow lanes are installed during roadworks.

Blissfully empty roads may become a thing of the future (
Grant Falvey/LNP/REX/Shutterstock)

Tests will be carried out to see if varying limits could be introduced with no risks for motorists or staff.

Highways England chief executive Jim O’Sullivan said: “People understand roadworks are necessary, but are also frustrated by them.

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“So we are always thinking of new ways to improve journeys at the same time as keeping everyone as safe as we can.

“Over the next 12 months, we will test changes to the design and operation of roadworks.”