A campaign has been launched to stop a play about Jimmy Savile being staged in June.

TV impressionist Alistair McGowan, 50, has been cast in the lead role in An Audience With Jimmy Savile at a London theatre.

But furious protesters have begun a petition to ban the play, saying the disgraced former BBC presenter and disc jockey, who died aged 84 in October 2011, should be “erased” from public memory.

Matthew Ellison, who devised the petition, said: “We want this play banned in its entirety and for all actors and supporting theatres to withdraw and issue a full and frank apology.”

The petition, which has so far attracted more than 200 signatures on the 38degrees website, says: “All involved in this production ought to be ashamed of themselves and should issue a full and frank public apology to all of us - especially the countless victims of this sick man. “Jimmy Savile is a stain on the British consciousness that needs to be erased for good and the only way to do so is to stop the powers that be glorifying this sick individual and allowing others to continue with this abhorrent behaviour.”

Jimmy Saville in his home in Leeds in 2004 (

The production is being staged at the Park Theatre in Finsbury Park, North London less than three years after the late comedian’s depraved behaviour was exposed in a TV documentary.

But the play’s author, journalist Jonathan Maitland, believes the public are ready to see a production about Savile.

The revelation that he had abused dozens of children and young women in hospitals and schools throughout the 70s and 80s led to a huge Scotland Yard inquiry into other alleged abuse. Although some lines of inquiry are continuing, Maitland claims the time is now right to turn the story into art form.

The play draws on interview transcripts and statements provided to the police by some of Savile’s victims.

The decision to stage it has already been condemned by many people on Twitter, with one objector, Thomas Ling, complaining: “Why not make Fritzl the musical?” But lawyer Liz Dux, acting for 178 of the comedian’s victims, says she has met the playwright and is satisfied it is in good taste.

She said: “From what Jonathan has told me, it will be extremely sensitive and will not in any way undermine the seriousness of the subject .

“I’m satisfied he will not cause offence to any of the victims.”

The theatre is currently staging the first play Maitland has written, Dead Sheep, about Margaret Thatcher.

Park Theatre artistic director Jez Bond says: “In true Park style, we are continuing to demonstrate our commitment to both new writing and great revivals, and to present bold, relevant and challenging plays. “I believe that theatre is not just entertainment - it’s also about opening discussion and challenging perspectives, holding a mirror up to nature and tackling even the most uncomfortable issues so we learn from our mistakes.”