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'Britain's roughest street' with £5 sex workers, stabbings, addicts and muggers

Parents on Slade Road, in Birmingham, stressed their concern for their children’s safety - be it from violence, cars driving fast down the narrow street, or drug addicts

One resident said said the rough road posed a threat to kids with cars driving far too fast down the street(Harry Thompson)

Residents of a road allegedly rife with violence, theft and drug addiction have told of their concerns for their children's' safety.

Slade Road, in Birmingham, joins the Stockland Green and Gravely Hill neighbourhoods in the north of the city and has built up a reputation for being a rough area.

Andy, 56, a resident of Slade Road for 22 years, told the Daily Star the road has a "bad reputation".

“My youngest lad, his mates aren’t allowed to come here because their parents have heard of Slade Road. He has to go to theirs.”

Parents in the area stressed their concern for their children’s safety - be it from violence, cars driving fast down the narrow street, or prostitutes wandering about.

“My one lad was up at the park with his mates and a couple of guys come over – older than them – and started on them, trying to get stuff out of my kid's pockets,” Andy said.

"They picked the wrong kid.

Parents in the area stressed their concern for their children’s safety(Harry Thompson)
The area has a reputation for being 'rough'(Harry Thompson)

“Another one of his mates got stabbed in the leg for his mobile phone just off Slade road. It’s not the nicest of roads.