There has been a surge in venomous adder sightings across Britain’s beaches posing a potential problem for anyone hoping to enjoy a staycation or some time away.

There have been a number of reports of adder sightings from coastal areas around the UK, where the snakes love basking in sand dunes, not far from where any holiday makers would be enjoying the sun.

Adders are the country’s only venomous snake and whilst not usually aggressive, they will bite if they feel threatened by a person or dog.

All of this comes as new research has revealed that more Brits than ever are reporting snake bite injuries.

The report, by the Clinical Toxicology journal, said most of the injuries were as a result of exotic snakes being kept as pets.

But, the risk of adder bites in the countryside and coasts is reportedly expected to grow as summer continues.

Dogs and other pets are particularly at risk as they are more likely to disturb the snakes (
Getty Images/iStockphoto)

Somewhere between 50 and 100 Brits are bitten by a snake every year but around three quarters have a “negligible” reaction.

In Wales, Bridgend council has seen a notable increase in the deadly snakes, especially in the Rest Bay area of Porthcrawl.

Councillor John Spanswick, cabinet member for communities said: "The UK is home to both grass snakes and adders, and while only the adder is toxic, its bite is rarely fatal and can be easily treated." Wales Online reports.

He added: “Most reported incidents involve dogs rather than humans, and in the vast majority of cases, a full recovery is made.

"Adders and grass snakes can often be seen at the side of rural paths, and can be identified by their distinct markings – adders have a zig-zag pattern running along their backs, while grass snakes have a distinctive yellow collar and two small black triangles just below their heads.

The adder is the UK's only venomous snake but poses little threat to people if left undisturbed (
Getty Images)

“The council and its partners have produced a handy guide called ‘Snakes of the Bridgend Coast’ to help people spot snakes and other reptiles within Bridgend County Borough, and which offers advice on what to do if you come across one.

"The best advice for anyone who encounters a snake while out and about is to simply leave them alone, and try not to disturb them.

“All British reptiles are protected under law, and the adder is a species that is considered to be particularly at risk."

A council spokesperson added: "With people flocking to the coast this summer, the stunning bays and beaches of Porthcawl in Bridgend County Borough are proving to be popular with more than just tourists and visitors.

"If you think that you may have been bitten by an adder, stay calm and do as little walking as possible. Go directly to A&E or call 999 for assistance, and remove any jewellery and watches from the bitten limb. Never tie a tourniquet, try to cut or suck the venom out or attempt to catch or kill the snake."

They have been spotted on a number of beaches prompting fears holidaymakers might run afoul of them (
NurPhoto via Getty Images)

However, it’s a nation-wide issue and in April, the parents of eight-year-old Jake Closier, from London, told how he got bit when on a day trip to Hemsby beach Norfolk.

His hand grotesquely swelled up and he needed anti-venom treatment to stop him going into anaphylactic shock.

Mum Sophie said: "We were taking a family walk along the beach to look for the seals and were heading towards Winterton.

"My son was running around on the beach in the sand dunes and he fell over and was bit by the venomous snake.

"Within about 30 seconds, I checked his finger and it went completely hard and I could see a puncture wound.

"I googled what the snakes were in Norfolk and straight away it said there were adders in the area.

"That's when I panicked because it finally clicked what type of snake had bitten Jake.”

Also in Norfolk, one dog was attacked by a hissing viper that left it needing urgent treatment from the vets.

Rebekah was out walking her dog with some friends when Indi, a Hungarian Vizsla, was bitten leading to her leg swelling and needing treatment.

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